The Arena

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Sejanus woke up early at 4 pm crying and rubbed his eyes , it was another year another year of those awful games these evil games , "games" what a excuse to hide the fact that the capitol likes to murder innocent children for what?, because of a war that was won ten years?, because of a failed rebellion that the districts had every right to start, how does that justify starving and killing innocent kids?, it doesn't and whats worse is that nobody here cares they're all monsters.

sejanus sat up in his huge luxury with silk sheets, a bed that he didn't earn in a house that he didn't like and in a place that was the definition of hell, he wiped a tear from his eye as he thought about all the kids that had died so far kids who's names will be forgotten who will never be able to grow old have families of their own, he thought about marcus and how he wouldn't talk to him because he hated him marcus hated him, because his family moved to the capitol they were called district traitors, him and his Ma never wanted to leave district two but they had no choice.

'because dad took it from us' sejanus thought bitterly

ever since he first went to school here it was torture none of the kids wanted to be friends with him and bullied him ruthlessly ' district trash, scum, animal,diseased ridden filth' they called him every disgusting thing and name they could think of, sometimes the bullies became physical like the time urban canville and a gang of other boys beat him up at the play ground

two of the most vocal ones were livia cardew and arachne crane... at least arachne had hated the sight of him till one day a few years ago she stopped insulting him and left him alone it was very abrupt and sejanus didn't know what to think then over a year ago she had pulled him aside and to his surprise apologized to him for an hour while crying , he had never seen her  like that before and that was why he believed her and for the next year and a half to the present day she didn't bully him and even sometimes would agree with him in class, she never antagonized him again and sejanus liked to think she was his second friend the other being coryo

'but coryo never defended him arachne did' he thought but then pushed the thought away feeling ashamed that he could think such a thing, looking at the clock he saw that it was 40 minutes since he woke up and he decided that he would take food to the tributes, he got dressed in his uniform went to the kitchen and opened the fridge taking out 24 pf ma's biscuits and put them in a plastic bucket and put the lid over it and not wanting to disturb the driver sejanus opted to walk to the cage the children were being held prisoner in

sejanus then thought bitterly that dad would disapprove of 'feeding the animals' ,yeah well fuck him sejanus thought the walk was over thirty minutes and when sejanus reached the zoo he was surprised by what he saw and the last thing he ever expected to see

there lying on a sleeping bag next to the cage was arachne  and when sejanus looked on the other side of the bars he saw her tribute brandy laying across from her and it looked like they were holding hands, sejanus stood there still, taking in the sight as thoughts raced in his head, he couldn't help but feel proud of her but he decided that he should wake her up because it'll be school soon.

* arachne stood in in front of a painting from the age before panem she looked around and realized she was at the museum of history more specifically in the section of the building dedicated to housing ancient relics that came from before the destruction of human civilization it was exclusive a very exclusive place so arachne didn't understand why she was there, sure she'd always wanted to know more of the history before panem but was sure that she would never get the opportunity.

"are you two ready to continue the tour"

what did that mean there was someone else-

"yessss please" a familiar voice spoke from her right and turned to see a girl and arachne recognized her immediately, it was brandy and she was wearing capitol clothes which consisted of a a deep blue-turquoise shirt and black baggy jeans, and without all the dirt, grime, sweat and the smell of slaughter house...... she was beautiful, her orange hair was the color of fire and stood out against her pale skin  and her amazing blue eyes lit up even more when she looked at her.

A forbidden bond: part 1 (life before)Where stories live. Discover now