the final night: Diana & Vipsania

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"vipsania, wait!!"  diana shouted trying to catch up to the girl she loved, she was still trying to process what she just learned about arachne's home life, she knew that her father magnus crane was a horrible man and not just because he was an avid hunger games fan, but diana never thought he would harm his own child.. she was wrong, seeing arachne like that looking like she got hit by a truck and festus having got into a fist fight with the man and vipsania's outburst which is what lead her to finally catching up with the other girl.

she stood in front of vipsania blocking her way as looked at the girl in front of her who had tears in her eyes which made diana's heart drop she'd never seen vipsania this upset before come to think of it she'd never seen vipsania cry before either, the last couple of days vipsania had been her anchor, being there for her weather at school, or at apollo's bedside, letting her cry on her shoulder, cuddling her because vipsania spent the last couple nights at the ring's mansion, or all the other times through out the years vipsania defended her and her brother from classmates who were pro hunger games

vipsania's always been there for her now it's diana's turn

looking at her in her light brown eyes she spoke

"hey babe, hey" - she said in a soothing manner while bringing her hands up to gently cup vipsania's face 

"i'm sure she had a reason to not tell us 'sania' , okay?"

vipsania pulled away from her grasp and paced around intensely then looked at diana her eyes full of tears and anger

"why?!, why!? why! couldn't she tell us! tell me! she's my friend i thought she trusted me!!" vipsania said why crying and then she fell to her knees and put her face in her hands  

"why didn't i notice it, am i that bad of a friend?"

diana's heart broke, people saw vipsania as a clone of her mother a stern, emotionless, competitive person, someone who was heartless... but they were wrong vipsania while  competitive is a caring person, she does have a heart and she's stern whenever apollo is too annoying especially when juno is around.

and too diana? vipsania was the sweetest girl diana's ever known and she knows that she is in love with her

she crouched down in front of vipsania and wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into her chest

" 'sania' you are a sweet person, the sweetest person I've ever known, please don't blame yourself there's no way that you could've known what was going on so please vipsania, please don't blame yourself , okay?"

she saw that vipsania's eyes were on her the whole time she was speaking and she nodded several times her attention fully on diana

"and don't blame arachne okay, i know you're mad but don't take it out on her, it's not her fault, her father is a powerful man and it's more than likely he threatened her to keep quiet, and.. i should've noticed myself but we'll help her i don't know how but we will okay babe?"

vipsania looked down then back up at diana with the familiar fire in her eyes 

"he'll pay" she said in an eerily calm voice but it made diana smile and she took vipsania's hands in her own

"he will" diana agreed 

they stood up and vipsania threw her arms around diana's neck and diana reciprocated by putting her arms around vipsania's waist

"you called me babe" vipsania whispered in her ear and diana's felt her face flush when she realized that she did indeed say that

vipsania's face was now inches away from diana's, artificial blue eyes stared into honey brown eyes, their breaths got heavier as their faces got closer

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