The final night: persephone

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Persephone Price came to a stop outside the enclosure where the tributes had been kept for 4 days now and her mind was racing like a whirlwind, the revelation about arachne's father was at the front of and the cause of said whirlwind and persephone didn't want to acknowledge it at first just like she had at first didn't want to acknowledge that her father made her unknowingly eat human meat and turned her into a cannibal. 

'arachne's father is a monster'

'my father is a monster'

'i'm a monster'

persephone never felt loved especially at home her parents had made it clear to her after her sister was born that she had no purpose anymore especially her father after she confronted him on the cannibalism he slapped her and told her that she should be grateful that she had a place here but persephone retorted back by saying that she felt disgusted but was cut off by another slap to her face and her father saying that he should have let her starve 

she cried at night wondering why her parents hated her it got worse after she befriended sejanus plinth and she realized just how cruel her parents were her father wasn't pleased and he tried to separate them but persephone being eight years old and determined stayed by sejanus's side even though she was bullied relentlessly by most of her classmates and peers through out the years it was worth it because sejanus was a true friend to her and over the years she developed a crush on him but it was after he defended her from urban canville that she truly fell in love with him.

she brought herself back to the present after she told herself that she would spend the night at sejanus's house tonight and called out mizzen's name and he came over to her soon after, looking over mizzen she saw coral watching them from a distance and glaring at her which totally brought persephone comfort

"hey" - mizzen said to her his voice and face showing the child he really was not the vicious killer district dog that the people of the capitol thought he was and putting cracks in persephone's heart once again 

"hey mizzy" - persephone greeted with a nickname she came up with before the interviews she cared about mizzen as if he was her little brother she wanted to let mizzen know that because this could be the last time she sees him alive 

to her relief mizzen smiled at the nickname and she reached out and ruffled his rough hair as she handed him a bag with two sandwiches and two water bottles which he took with both hands, looking up at her with surprise in his eyes

"thank you" - he said in a thankful tone as he turned around to show coral who looked a bit surprised, mizzen then turned back to persephone and thanked her again before he walked back towards coral 

"mizzy wait!"- persephone cried causing mizzen to turn around and look at her with curious eyes, persephone felt tears threaten to fall down her face as she stared at mizzen one last time, she wanted mizzen to live he was so young and she wanted to learn how to fish.

"i-i'm sorry"  

'really persephone 'i'm sorry' doesn't make up anything that he's been through, nice one persephone you useless bitch' - she berated herself mentally

"it's okay" she heard mizzen say while he looked at her with eyes that held no grudge against her, she didn't deserve to be looked at this way..., she moved to hug him through the bars and she wrapped her arms around him and didn't let go for several minutes she didn't want to let go she wanted to hold her little mizzy forever she wanted to take him away from this cruel world but she couldn't and she had to let go eventually... and she did as she saw mizzen give her a smile before he ran back to coral

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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