Chap 3

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Yo, still haven't finished the book, but for now, every month I'm not finished, yall' will get one chapter no matter what. I made a new Undertale book called 'The Freshest'. Have fun with this, and hopefully this will hold you guys over for a little while as I try to grasp the last of my rotting braincells.

**Y/n POV**

As soon as we walk out, Frisk are greeted with a pile of crimson leaves, and they opt to play in them as Toriel calls and asks if we have left the room. Unlike the dialogue, I respond with, "Yes, actually. I'm a puzzle fanatic. Don't worry, I'll keep Frisk safe." Toriel seemingly considers this, eventually sighing and saying gingerly, "Okay, just be safe you two..."
She didn't end the call, instead, trailing off. "Yes?" I ask, and she huffs, "Oh dear, it seems I never asked for your names!" I chuckle at this. I can't believe something like this would throw her off. "The kid's name is Frisk. I'm Y/n. It's a stupid name, really-" Toriel had already cut me off, saying, "Nonsense! I think it's wonderful! Now please, I must go, but do be careful!" I can't wait to hear someone say my name again.

I put the phone in my pocket, and smiled as Frisk approached-

Then, I woke up.

'No- please... I c-can't be here...'

"Grab 007, we need them for more tests." I hear someone say, and that was enough to snap me out of my stupor. Frisk's sprite was currently next to the leaves, just about where they had been while walking toward me.
That was, until I was taken hostage from behind, and I could do nothing but drop my switch in pain as my arms were bent backward. "Have you given up yet, 007?" The person behind me whispered grimly into my ear, clearly enjoying my agony.

"Never." I grunt, before I'm forced to my feet and dragged out of the room (no matter how much I struggled). I was set on a chair with restraints, and I gave the operator in the next room, hidden behind one-way-glass a pointed look.
A shock, probably from the (completely metal) chair, coursed through my system painfully, although I refused to make a face. "Got a reason for this, Doc?" I ask loudly, hating whoever was behind that glass with my whole entire being. Yet, I get no reply. This pisses me off, because I KNOW that they can respond, and have before.

I took another hour of this, before I was jabbed with needles, and given a higher voltage input. No screams, no whimpers. Not from me; never. I would rather be an emotionless, stone statue (which is what they mostly referred me as, if not 'Double O seven [007]') than a whimpering sack of flesh and bones.
It stopped another four hours later, and I don't dare say anything as someone shoves a cookie down my throat (for compensation of blood loss, and lack of sugar to make more blood cells in the system) and drags me back to my cell.

I sit in the corner for a while, curling into myself and hoping those scientists aren't cackling at my misery. They are, I know they are, because in the intercom, I hear one say (almost teasingly), "You good 007?"
I don't say anything, crawling to my switch to play. I worry that if I reply honestly, they'll take it away. I jump a little bit when I was shocked back into the game by Frisk, who'd been right in my face. I toppled over, but they seemingly managed to catch me by the arm, helping me prop myself up, before sending me a questioning glance.

"Sorry." I say, "I was distracted... Say, you don't know my name, do you?" Frisk shook their head. "Well, I'm Y/n." I say, and they too, introduce themselves, and ask for a piggyback ride. I can't help but to comply, and soon, even with my chest burning in pain, and my shoulder in agony, I manage to carry them to Napsablook.
While Frisk makes of a friendly conversation (with very few words) with ghosty, I get a call from Toriel. "Hey, Y/n! For no reason in particular, which do you prefer, cinnamon or butterscotch?" she asks, and I do my best to answer; "Well, I like butterscotch, but I think Frisk likes cinnamon. We're okay with whatever you make Toriel, I'm sure of it. Don't worry, we aren't picky eaters either." She seemingly perked up at that, "Oh, okay! Bye then! I'll see you soon."

Dapperblook is gone, and Frisk is on my back once more. We complete more puzzles, with occasional pause for rest (because man, I sure am tired). That was, until we made it to the large tree, that was unable to keep its leaves. That's when Toriel catches sight of us. "Dear me, Y/n! I didn't know you were hurt- there, there, there... I'll heal you, just give me a moment. Gosh, I shouldn't have left you two alone for so long. It was irresponsible to try and surprise you like this, I don't even know if you like surprises."
She starts to heal me, and I realize that because I'm here, everything she says is different. Tori's calls were later, I'd found her behind that pillar... fvck, I really am changing the script. "There. Come you two, follow!" She says after finishing with my wounds. Then, she dashes off again. With Frisk on my back, and healed wounds, I chase after her. 

I almost cry when we enter her house. Nostalgia hit me like a ton of bricks. I set Frisk down before crumpling into a little heap on the floor.
Torel picks me up, worried, and brings me to our new room, before taking Frisk somewhere. I allow myself a small sob, longing for the past I'll never get, before ultimately, everything goes black.

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