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I can see how annoyed jungkook is, by the way I feel like laughing out loud. Finally he will be now with Catherine and she will know what kind of asshole j was dealing with since years.

During break

It started raining and I can see jungkook and other guys outside getting wet, I never knew that he loves rain so much I love too but also scared to get sick.

Jungkook's pov

I was getting wet and I can see y/n looking at me, I just smiled at her and she smiled back, I felt butterflies when she smiled back. I was just imagining me and y/n kissing in this rain, I just wanna make sure that she likes me too or else I can't confess her my feelings. Now I understand why since few years I have been behaving like this, so this means it's been a year I started liking her but didn't understand my own feelings

End of pov

I can see how happy jungkook is while playing in rain, I was sitting with my plate and then yuqi came with her plate too and sat next to me

Yuqi: looking at jungkook

Y/n: why will I look at him

Yuqi: really since long time I have noticed you looking at him and smiling, what's the case

Y/n: wtf, you think I m looking at jungkook no way

Yuqi: see y/n sometimes feelings change and as of now I can see that your behaviour towards jungkook has changed a but, I mean do you like him

Y/n: no why will I, I am here to study not to like guys, specifically like jungkook

Yuqi: well I wanna tell you that Jungkook got something for your birthday

Y/n: for me, are you kidding

I put a spoon full of pork in my mouth and chewing

Yuqi: girl it is true he did get something for you

Y/n: nice joke, now let me eat

I wasn't caring about it, but at the same time I couldn't move my mind from jungkook who was enjoying in rain

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