The Journey I

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It is the end of march, the days are getting hotter. The tree who lost there beautiful veil are growing brand new veil of fresh leaves. Mangoes started flowering. The scent of the soil which was only vague is now mixed with the scent of greeneries.

Its 6 in morning and the parks are getting more crowded. Well most of them are of age group about 30. You can see many sweet couples in here. There is a old couple walking by side by side with holding there hands. There is a young couple too. And you can notice is quickly that how a boy in his teens helping his grandpa on his walk on wheelchair.

All and all the atmosphere here is all diverse, every body here have different kind of life. And this is what giving courage to Charan who's anxiety doesn't go with 333 rule is finding it easy and feeling that some burden in his heart is getting lighter and lighter. 

On the way to home, he stopped by tea stall and asked for a black tea. He wanted to asked to squeeze lemon into it but couldn't say it. By looking at his troubled face the stall keeper asked to you anything else.

Charan softly said "lemon". And got the tea which he wanted to drink.

This is the journey from saying notlhing to asking for lemon.

After reaching home his mother asked him if he and Satish has any tour plan.

Charan "Satish asked me to go Vaishnav Devi mandir with him. His cousin Atul and our common friend Shirish Jaiswal will accompany us. But I haven't decided to go yet.

Charan was basically worried about his viewers on stream. He also don't feel comfortable going many places. 

But who knew that he would get a offer that he couldn't reject. This offer was something that nobody would reject in there right mind. 

After few days when Charan was packing stuff for tour he only packed 2 sets of clothes and toiletries. He can't seem to recall what other things would he need there.

How? How can a mother tolerate his only piece of heart go on a trip unplanned? She put moisturizer, two pair of socks and she replaced the half t-shirts with full sleeve t-shirts. After that she put some biscuits which she made herself. Thus, his packing was completed after he kept the most important thing, the Charger in his bag pack.

His father drove him to the bus station where they were waiting for there tour bus they booked, that's where he met Satish and Shirish.

His stern father instructed him to follow the group and let take care of you as they are more experienced than him who only leave house for school or for any other functions at their relatives. 

When his father left he gave him Rs 2000 and said if he need more ask him.

Satish "only your parents loves you, they are giving you money when you didn't asked for while mine don't unless I show them receipt. Let's go! I want my skin to Darken anymore."

Upon reaching waiting area Charan asked, "Why is Atul not here yet?"

Satish " He is going to waterpark with his parents. I guess his parents are worried about him after all he is only 13. It would have been to move around with him anyway."

Shirish stood and said, "I'm going to get ice cream, which flavor you guys want."

Satish asked for Vanilla. Charan wanted to say he wanted to say "Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream", but all he said was " any ". 

Shirish wanted to ask again but Satish said get Chocolate chip cookie dough for Charan. If they don't have it get a chocolate flavor.

Now, Before they could finish their ice cream, bus arrived and conductor urged them to get on. 

When they get on board. They realized that bus looked newer inside. The bus had AC temperature on moderate. There were retro song playing in the bus. The bus smelled like lily. 

When Shirish was about to throw ice cream wrapper through the window, Charan prompt Satish.

Satish said, "Don't dirty roads, just give it to him (pointing Charan), he side pockets of bag are made to keep thrash."

Shirish felt embarrassed giving it to Charan, so he kept it in his bag's side pocket.

Seeing it Satish smiled followed by Charan.

And here his Journey starts to a new path.

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