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Minutes had passed since Eleanora went with the two originals. Klaus had gone god knows where, whilst Rebekah had stayed with the Lockwood girl. They were sitting next to eachother, whilst Tyler's lifeless body laid still on the table with Caroline sitting down next to it. 

Why? Why would they do this to him? Eleanora thought. He was just a boy, right? He had done nothing to deserve this. Growing up, he had always been the most loveable younger brother ever. Could he really have changed so much since she last had seen him?

"I'm really sorry about your brother. Eleanora, right?" Rebekah broke the silence, looking over at her mate. 

She looked sad, heartbroken even. But what could you expect after she sees her brother get killed? For Rebekah, it was a quite.. well, usual thing. But she could understand why the Lockwood girl felt like that. She felt sympathetic for the girl, and how was she even going to react to the Mikaelsons being her mate? How could she be together, with the murderer of her brother?

The mere thought of rejection saddenend Rebekah deeply. 

"Right.. yeah, it's Eleanora. You're.. Rebekah, right?" The Lockwood girl answered, no emotion visible in her tone. 

"Yes, it's Rebekah." She simply answered, remaining silent after.

Usually Eleanora hated silence, it'd make her feel anxious. But right now, it felt.. oddly comforting. 

Then, suddenly, a loud gasp errupted from Tyler as he shot up. Eleanora immediately sat up and rushed over to her little brother, grabbing his hand. "Ty.." 

Tyler's gaze quickly fell on his older sister's. "Nora." He quickly engulved her in a hug, as Eleanora returned it immediately. It was an unbreakable bond, truly. 

"You're back.." he said, still holding her in a hug. 

"Ofcourse i am, Ty. I'd never miss this, it's your senior prank night!" She said, pulling away and sitting down onto the table next to him. 

"Tyler.." Caroline started, looking at him and then the Lockwood girl. 

"Don't be shy about it." Rebekah interrupted, looking at Tyler as she smiled sarcastically. 

"What's going on.." Tyler asked, his hand never leaving his sister's. Especially right now, he needed his older sister. 

"Klaus.. is turning you into a vampire.. a hybrid. You're in transition." Caroline revealed nervously, awaiting his reaction. Eleanora merely looked down, ashamed she couldn't protect him. 

If she had been there earlier, this wouldn't have happenend.. right? If she had just stepped into that car 10 minutes earlier, this all would not have happenend. 

"Don't leave out the hard part, sweets." Rebekah interrupted once again. She sympathetically looked at the Lockwood girl. She wished she could just hold her, comfort her. It was her mate too, she didn't understand why she even agreed to the pact she, and her siblings made about their mate. 

"You'll only survive if your witch is successful. If not.. pretty much dead." The original finished, her gaze falling on Caroline and Tyler. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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