Lunch Breaks

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Noor fixed her braids in the bathroom mirror and smiled at her own reflection.

"Why so pretty" She asked herself and blushed at her own compliment.

Sania laughed at her, "you should've waited for me" She hugged her from behind before moving to fixing her makeup, "you're late" Noor complained, "oh please you should be the last person complaining about someone being late" She rolled her eyes but knew Sania's right so didn't argue.

"I've got so much to tell you" Sania says to her and Noor jumped at that, "My ears are thirsty" Sania rolled her eyes again but laughed.


"My lunch break is over" Noor says and hold Sania's hands. "I wish life was only lunch breaks" She dramatically threw her head on Sania's shoulders. She patted her back, "us babe us"

Noor finally stood on her toes, "leaving" And turn around to exit the cafe.

Sania laughed at her and waved.


"I've so much papers" Noor sighed.
"I've to gather and categorize them in about" she stare at the clock, "20 minutes" She sighed again, "perfect"

Sometimes they should pay more to me but that just me and my irrelevant opinion I guess, Noor thought and went back to her work.

Noor has been working on a book since months. The beginning in perfect the middle is done but she just cannot do the ending right and if the climax of a story isn't good nothing else matters.

She put her story aside and start reviewing the other papers.

"Are you done" her team leader asks and she nodded.

"Common Noor you're already late" She urgently placed every paper in their respective category and handed them to her.

"Here" She exhales.

"Hey Noor, Coffee" Her colleague asks her and she nodded, "just what I need"

She grab her bag and followed them to the exit.

The sun has gone down and the sky is  the prettiest colour right now and a cup of coffee is all Noor needed right now.

"Stop staring at the sky" Rohan her fellow proof reader teased her. She smiled, "it's just too pretty" She couldn't stop staring. "Not more than you" He mumbled and she laughed.
They both continued their walk to the office and he stared at her just the way she stared at the sky.


"Noor" her team leader was waiting for her by her desk when she arrived, "I've got coffee for you" She raised the cup in her hand but was ignored by her,  "Ms.Agnihotri has asked for you"

"WHAT" Noor almost screamed.

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