Chapter 2. Welcome to Los Angeles.

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We reopened with Jordan, sitting in an ambulance and we see police cars and paramedics and we see them carrying body bags and we see a woman pulls up and we recognize her as Kirby Reed as she looks at Jordan. we see a man walks up to him and his name is Sheriff Zach Simmons. Simmons: Hello sir my name is Sheriff Zach Simmons do you think you can come down to the station and answer a few questions? Kirby walks over. Simmons: Can I help you. Kirby: FBI Agent Reed, I'm here to help you investigate. Simmons: look ma'am I appreciate it but this is nothing to do with you. Kirby: well maybe I can help I'm used to this by now? Simmons: What do you mean used to? Kirby: I know this is Ghostface related I was a part of it two years ago in New York City a decade ago I was a part of it also and I take special interest so. Simmons: well if you can do me a favor can you take him down to the station I'll be right up there we're going to get this whole mess cleared out. Kirby: Got it, come on kid. Jordan gets up and walks with her in the car and they drive away. We cut to the station as Jordan sits in the interrogation room. and waits. suddenly Zach comes in and sits down across from him. Simmons: So you want to tell me what happened? Jordan: Well I was reviewing my podcast about true crime. i've been obsessed with true crime and horror movies since i was little so, i made my own podcast a couple years ago, and my ex came over but I was busy and then some guy called me and asked me why i'm obsessed with true crime why am I not interested in the Ghostface killers I thought he was a fan, but he hacked into my computer and this stupid subreddit people on their start taking bets turns out they didn't like me. Simmons: And what happened? Jordan: and then he threatened me and I found my dad dead he attacked me I tried to defend myself but he  and he chased me around the house and upstairs and I eventually killed him I asked him why he said because "i didn't love him that much" he then goes and pulls out a Ghostface mask. Simmons: Was this the mask? Jordan just stares at it. we then cut to inside a house and we see a young woman and recognize her as Samantha Carpenter as she is on her computer and suddenly a young man walks in and recognize him as her boyfriend Danny Brackett. Danny: Hey how are you doing? Sam: Fine i guess. Danny: Look i know that your upset that Tara is not with you but you understand that she has her own life? Sam: I know. suddenly her phone rings and she answers it. Sam: Hello?.... what....Okay. Sam hangs up and looks at Danny. Danny: What? Sam gets up and walks off and he follows her. we cut to an apartment and inside we see five people. we see a young man and we recognize him as Chad Meeks-Martin and we recognize the two people, Tara Carpenter and Mindy Meeks-Martin and her new girlfriend Vanessa Howard and Dylan Carson. they are playing Uno. Tara: Uno! Dylan: What? how? Mindy: This is the third time she beat you. Chad: She is that good. Vanessa: Okay, game do y'all want to play next. Mindy: Never had i ever. Dylan: I will go first... never have i ever gotten drunk. Chad: Oooh i think I did twice. Mindy: yeah the first time it was bad. Tara: I remember, because he almost fell downstairs. Chad: Hey! Mindy laughs. Vanessa: Do y'all want to watch a movie? Tara: Sure. They all get up and turn on the TV and find a news report. Male Reporter: A couple hours ago in this big city Los Angeles has been struck with tragedy after a disturbance call from a guy named Jordan Miller who has killed his attacker his attacker was revealed to be David Hall his ex-boyfriend who tried to kill him apparently he was wearing a Ghostface mask which has been popularized from the Stab movies and the real life events that took place just over 2 years ago in New York City more news will be coming to you soon. Tara, Chad and Mindy stare in shock and the room is silent. Dylan: What the fuck? Tara: I'm calling Sam. suddenly her phone rings it's Sam and she answers. Tara: Hello. Sam:(V.O) Hey, where are you right now? Tara: I'm with Chad and Mindy and Vanessa and Dylan. Sam:(V.O) Okay where's Eric, James and Amanda? Tara: They are at a party right now, we didn't go because- Sam:(V.O) Okay listen to me very carefully Kirby just called me and told me everything she wants me down at the station, i need you and the others to come down, me and Danny are on are way there now. Tara: Okay. she hangs up and turns to them. Tara: That was Sam, she wants us to meet her at the station and apparently she wants all of us to come down there. Dylan: Then what are we waiting for? we cut to a big house party we see people there and it's a Christmas party and we see people drinking, making out talking. we then see a young woman and a man named Eric Larson and Amanda Crawford. Amanda: Are you having fun? Eric: I am but it's sort of lame. Amanda: HEY! my dad did a lot for this party and Christmas is like in a few days so why are you so down? Eric: I don't know, suddenly another guy walks up to them panic his name is James Hart. James: Guys we gotta get out of here. Amanda: Why? what's wrong? James: I will explain on the way let's just go. Eric drops his cup and walks away with Amanda and James following.

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