Chapter 6. Heartbroken.

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We cut to Danny arriving at the house, he gets out of the car and walks inside the house and goes to the living room and sits down and turns the tv on and sees a news reporter. Reporter: And with more news, it looks like Ghostface has made a return by killing a young woman named Amanda Crawford- he turns the tv off and suddenly his phone rings and he answers it. Danny: Hello? Voice:(V.O) Hello Danny boy, tell me how does it feel that you made out alive? Danny jumps up and looks around. Danny: You think your funny? i will be your beat your ass before you can try. Voice:(V.O) Oooh so tough no wonder why Samantha likes you, but she won't when im done with you.... let's play a game. Danny: Fuck you! Danny hangs up and walks to the kitchen and pulls out a knife and walks towards the kitchen and suddenly his phone rings again and he answers it. Voice:(V.O) Did you really think you can stop me with a knife? and i thought you were smarter than that. Danny: You know what im calling the cops. Danny hangs up and dials the police. Operator: 911 what's your emergency? Danny:Yeah um someone is threatening to kill me and he's planning to kill me. Operator: Just stay in a safe place and can I get your address please. Danny: 11422 Craven road. Operator: Okay we're sending officers down there now. they hang up and suddenly Ghostface comes running he turns around fast but he stabs him in the chest he screams and punches him in the face and he goes down, Danny holds his chest and runs to the door but it's locked, he looks back to see Ghostface running towards him and dodges it. Danny runs the stairs and Ghostface chases him and he runs to his bedroom and locks the door and suddenly Ghostface starts breaking the door and Danny looks at balcony and goes to unlock the door and he is about to go on the balcony, but Ghostface burst into the room and runs up to him and stabs him in the back. Danny looks back as Ghostface grabs him and throws him through the balcony door, he steps over him and stabs him three times in the chest. Danny: Go to hell bitch. Ghostface: Sorry Danny but im tying up loose ends starting with you. he then stabs him in the stomach twice and grabs him and throws him off the balcony and he falls down and cracks his head open. We cut to the aftermath and we cops as they take pictures and we see Kirby and Simmons talking. Kirby: I can't believe this, why him. Zach: I have no idea but he left something. Zach pulls something a photo of two young girls. Simmons: Do you recognize these girls. Kirby: Oh my god, that's Sam and Tara, why would he be leaving photos? Zach: I don't know but it's kinda of similar to what Roman Bridger did back then. suddenly another officer named Helen Harris, walks up. Simmons: Kirby i forgot to tell you, this is deputy Harris she has been on the force for five years. Kirby: Nice to meet you. Harris: Nice to meet you too...wait are you Kirby Reed? Kirby: Yes? Helen: I heard about you from the news two years ago. Kirby: Oh yeah. suddenly another car pulls up and Sam, Tara, Chad, Mindy, Jordan and Vanessa. and Sam runs towards Danny's body as the paramedics roll him out but Tara and Mindy pulls her back as she breaks down crying. Chad: Fuuuuck! Kirby Zach and Helen watches in sadness...we cut to the police station and we see Sam, Tara, Chad, Mindy, Jordan and Vanessa. sitting. Tara: Sam? Sam sits there and doesn't say anything. suddenly Helen walks up to Sam. Harris: Samantha Carpenter i would like to ask you a few questions. if you're up to it? Sam gets up and follows her....we cut to Sam sitting in the integration room. Helen: So um...i have looked through your past and it seems like you killed your boyfriend and his family? Sam: That was self defense. Harris: Mind telling me why? Sam: Well...a couple years ago back in Woodsboro my sister was attacked by someone in a Ghostface mask and he killed a bunch of people and it turned out it was my ex boyfriend Richie Kirsch and his girlfriend Amber Freeman and they wanted to create a new Stab movie because the other one sucked so me and my sister along with Gale Weathers and Sidney Prescott took them out and then a year later his psycho family ruined my reputation and placed rumors online about me and carried out a another murder spree and me and my sister stoped them. Helen: interesting i was looking through your file your medical file and I see you take medication for hallucinations is that correct? Sam: Yes. Helen: If you don't mind me asking, what's it for? Sam: I see hallucinations of my dead father Billy Loomis he was one of the original Killers back in '96 that's what it's for so I can stop seeing him. Helen: Well i got one more question... Are you where or do you know that you might be involved with the recent killings? Sam: What?! why would you think that? i wouldn't kill no one. Harris: I'm just asking cuz I know what psychosis and medication could also lead to blackouts and people do things that they don't want to do and eventually they don't remember. Sam leans forward. Sam: I did not do it...can i go now?.... Sam walks out the room and sees Sidney standing there. Sam runs and hugs her. Sam: Thanks for being here. Sidney: Of course, you know that i will help. Sam: Well i gotta go meet up with my dad and then go to the house and get my stuff. Sidney: Do you want me to come? Sam: No thanks. Sam and the others walks out...we cut to them walking out the station and we see Gale and Sidney walks over to her. Sidney: Gale? she turns around and smiles. Gale: Sidney. they hug. Gale: You really shouldn't be here. Sidney: Well you shouldn't either. Gale: You want to go out for a drink? Sidney: Sure. we cut to them sitting inside a bar. Sidney: So how have you been? Gale: Better but with everything going on i don't know. Sidney: Why did you write the book? Gale: After what happened with Dewey i was in a dark place and the i try not to but i guess i was angry and blamed everyone else including Sam but i realize that maybe i could have just gone to therapy. Sidney: Did you ever wrote the book about Dewey? Gale: I actually started writing it when i was in the hospital and i had finished it. Sidney: Can't wait to read it. Gale: I'll send you a copy. Sidney laughs and drinks the last of her drink. We cut to James Dylan and Eric and they're smoking a bong. Dylan: I don't think we should be doing this. James: Ugh your no fun live a little. Dylan: Really we are being hunted by a psychopath and your telling me to live a little? James: Were not being hunted. Dylan: Seriously? Amanda was murdered and Sam's boyfriend. Eric puts down the bong and looks upset. Eric: He's right, we're being hunted and we don't know who or why. James: Why are we still celebrating Christmas then? Dylan: It's understandable but we're not going to stop celebrating just because a killer is coming after us. Dylan gets up and walks towards the kitchen. James: He always does this. Eric picks up his bong as James lights it. Eric: I'm going to be high after this. James: Well then at least it's gets your mind off of everything. we cut to Sam and Tara walking inside an apartment building and they knock on a door and someone opens it and it's revealed to be Brent Carpenter. Tara: Dad? Brent: Hey baby girl. he looks at Sam and pulls her and Tara in for in a hug. Sam: Hey. Brent: Please come in. they walk in and looks around. Brent: Sorry it's a mess. Sam: How long have you been staying here? Brent: For almost a year, im sorry i didn't reach out i was busy. Sam: I got some questions. Brent: Sure. Sam: after we went down that night while having you contacted us after? Brent: When i found out from you i was angry i was upset and me and your mother filed for a divorce and she won the case, i'm telling you I really wanted to take you and Tara out Woodsboro but i couldn't. Sam: Have you spoken to Mom lately because i saw her. Brent: No not ever since divorce. Tara: did you ever know about what was happening to us? Brent: yes when i heard about Richie and Amber i wanted to come when i came i found out y'all moved to New York and then when i heard about what happened in New York it was too risky. Tara: you could have contacted us. Sam:. Do you know that Mom cut is off she don't want to talk to us she blame me for everything. Brent: I didn't know that, Sam you might not be my biological daughter but you are my daughter I raised you and your mother blames you then she needs to look the other way because it's her fault she kept it from you and she lied to me. Sam: I thought you would hate me. Brent: I would never I just couldn't handle it so I left but i swear I wanted to take you and Tara but i couldn't. And i heard about your other boyfriend i'm so sorry this is happening again, if there is a killer coming after you I need to be there. Sam: I don't want anybody else to get hurt my boyfriend just died it feels like every time somebody's around me they die. Sam and Tara starts to walk out. Brent: Sam? Sam turns around. Brent walks up a closet and takes out a gun and hands it out. Brent: take this it's my old gun I used when I was in the force. Sam takes it and walks out. Tara: Thanks. she follows her out the door. We cut to to them walking out the building and bumps in to Christina. Sam: What are you doing here? Christina: I should be asking you the same. Tara: We saw Dad. Christina looks shocked. Christina: Did you speak to him? Sam: Yeah and turns out he tried to take us but you didn't let him. Christina: I didn't let him because he left that was his decision not mine. Tara: Well at least he didn't lie. they walk away from her.

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