Part Six

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Astrid -

I listened to everything that Atlas said to me, I was able to see it his way. I mean if he wanted to hurt me he would have done it by now. There was this silence between us both and I was able to take a look around.

" What is this place?" I asked Atlas

" This place is our home". He said with a smile

" Here let me show you everything". He said

Atlas took Astrid's hand as he took her to every place of the room so she can get a better understanding of where everything was at. She was able to see that it had a very large bedroom, bathroom and many more things that caught her eye.

" You will love it here, I am sure of it. Just don't be scared, on one and nothing will harm you. You will never be alone, I can see that you have been alone for some time but not anymore". Atlas said

Astrid looked at Atlas with some type of Hope when he spoke to her. She was tired of this world and everything that came with it, she saw Atlas standing there with open arms telling her that everything will be okay and everything that she wants to hear. She looked at what her life could be with him and right there she made up her mind on completely accepting Atlas fully. She went to him rubbing her arms around him which made him smile.

Astrid -

After Atlas showed me around the place and spoke to me I took a moment to think to myself that maybe this won't be so bad. That maybe this was meant to happen to me and plus Atlas  seems that her guy. I feel no trouble when I am with him even though it's been for a short while, somehow someway I just feel safe with him when he's around me which is very strange to say the very least but I just do. Other than that I could see this being a good life for me.

Atlas -

When I spoke to my Maids but everything I was happy that she immediately accepted me with no hesitation. I know that there are some mates that are hard to deal with but I'm just lucky that mine is not. I cannot wait to spend my life with her, to be with her every single day to experience happiness is what I want so very desperately. Staying with her for a few hours have definitely made my heart swell but as of right now I have to leave her to go continue my duties which I'm not looking forward to but I know it has to be done.

" Love, I will have to leave soon. But I will be back later tonight. Don't wait up for me okay, everything is here for you. Just make yourself comfortable okay, baby".

I watched her nod her head.

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