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Song: All-American bitch, Olivia Rodrigo

??'s POV

This is frustrating. It's EXTREMELY frustrating. He won't appreciate me, let alone pay attention to me. I feel saddened that he's not taking me into account.

His attention is all on one thing, and not other things. Like people, school, ME! It's just not fair!

Why does that one single thing deserve all of his focus, his time, his emotions? Why can't everything else be acknowledged?

We've never been strong friends, but I care so so much. Like, unbelievably much. I want to be seen, I want to be heard, by HIM.

It might sound selfish, but I just really like him. Like.. Like like. He's not the same person he used to be anymore. He's just a shell of it.

He deserves something more than just a memory.
Something that'll be with him.
Something that'll love him as he is.
Something that'll be in his downs and lows.

And that something is me.

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