A Small Handful of Notes/Ideas For Season 1

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*Mystics/Wonder Kingdom Episode(s?)

*When to travel to it? How to get there? Location?

*Frisk and Mettaton go together to see if Uniqua or anyone else remembers. Some big royal event? Uniqua is colder? Detached? The Knightmare?

*Disguises to get inside kingdom and into palace to see the princess

*Hoth remembers instantly? Digger remembers instantly? Battle to remember?

*Uniqua is angry about the RESET, wants her future back. Wants mystics free again

*Opening up hearts? Escape plan?

*MTT NEO? Forgiveness?

*Street concert? Songs to include? Unknown From M.E Gametal ft. Shao Dow? Throw It All Away? Undefeatable? Break Through It All? Find Your Flame? Infinite? Open Up Your Eyes (MLP The Movie)? All Hail Shadow? Other Crush40 songs?

*Original songs or poems?

*Uniqua kills her own people somehow? Takes their souls? Poison?

*The six kids live? Callback to UTY? Clover and Starlo cameo +possible family/reunion?

Suggestions are welcome! Have an OC? Tell me about them and when/where they should appear in Royaltale! If it's a ship kid/fan kid, please wait until we get to season two or three since that's when we might get to see more relationships, families, and the adventures the next-gens will have.

Royaltale: Ideas, Notes, Art, Recruitment & NewsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora