Chapter 1

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I was enveloped in the warm embrace of sleep on my cozy bed when my mom gently shook me, trying to pull me out of my slumber.

"Soli, sweetheart, wake up! You'll be tardy for school if you don't get moving," Mom's voice was soft but urgent.

I groggily opened my eyes and pleaded with her, "Mom, just 10 more minutes, please? I'm so tired."

But Mom's patience was wearing thin. "Get up, now!" Her tone was stern, and I could sense the frustration in her voice.

Reluctantly, I agreed to get up and meet her downstairs. As Mom left my room, I begrudgingly closed my eyes, hoping for just a few more moments of rest.

Five minutes later, I was abruptly awoken by Mom's return. She found me still in bed, cocooned under the covers.

With a deep sigh, she declared, "That's it. No more using your phone at night, no more watching movies. It's time to get serious about waking up on time."

Startled by her decree, I protested, "No, why? I'm awake now, I promise."

Mom's eyes narrowed slightly, indicating her impatience. "Come downstairs within 5 minutes or..." She left her threat hanging, and I quickly reassured her, "No problem, I'll be there."As Mom left the room, I scrambled out of bed, knowing that I needed to make it downstairs in time to avoid any further consequences.

I stumbled downstairs, still half-asleep, wearing my blue and black school uniform. Mom was already at the kitchen table, with a plate of breakfast in front of her.

"Hurry up, Soli," Mom urged, her voice laced with a touch of exasperation.

"Okay," I mumbled, taking a seat at the table. The aroma of Mom's cooking tickled my senses and awakened my appetite.

Without wasting any time, I dove into my breakfast, savoring each bite as I hurriedly consumed the delicious meal. Mom watched me with a mix of amusement and satisfaction, knowing that her efforts in preparing the meal were not in vain.

As I ate, the warmth of the food and the comfort of being with Mom slowly chased away the lingering remnants of sleep. I felt grateful for her presence and her unwavering dedication to ensure I started my day on the right foot.

After finishing my breakfast, I flashed Mom a grateful smile before excusing myself to get ready for school. With a renewed sense of energy, I knew that I could face whatever challenges the day had in store, thanks to Mom's loving support and guidance.

As I climbed into the passenger seat of Mom's car, she settled into the driver's seat, ready to chauffeur me to school. The engine hummed to life, and the car began to glide down the familiar streets.

I rolled down the window, letting the cool morning air rush in and playfully tousle my hair. The gentle breeze carried the scent of freshly mown grass and blooming flowers, filling my lungs with a refreshing energy that invigorated me for the day ahead.

The world outside whizzed by in a blur of colors and shapes, and I gazed out the window, watching as the scenery transformed from quiet suburban streets to bustling city intersections. 

The sunlight streamed in, casting a warm glow over everything it touched.

With the wind in my hair and the sun on my face, I felt a sense of freedom and liberation, a moment of pure joy and carefree abandon. As we approached the school gates, I reluctantly rolled up the window, preparing myself for the day ahead.

But the memory of that fleeting moment of bliss stayed with me, a reminder of the simple pleasures that could be found in the everyday routines of life. And I knew that no matter what challenges awaited me at school, I had the love and support of my dear Mom to see me through.

"Alright, here we are," Mom announced as she pulled up to the school gates. I gathered my belongings and prepared to embark on another day of learning.

"Thanks, Mom. Have a good day too," I replied, returning her farewell with a smile. She leaned over to plant a kiss on my cheek before I exited the car, feeling her warmth and love linger on my skin.

As I walked through the school grounds, the hallways were abuzz with chatter and laughter. I made my way to the classroom and found my friend, Rose, already seated at her desk.

"Hi, Soli!" Rose greeted me with a bright smile.

"Hello, Rose," I replied, taking a seat next to her. There was something different about her today, a twinkle in her eye that hinted at something exciting.

"What's up?" I asked curiously.

"Guess what happened?" Rose said, her smile widening.

"John and Mark are going to be our classmates!" she exclaimed, clearly delighted by the news.

My heart sank at the mention of John, the handsome yet infuriating guy in our class who always seemed to push my buttons. And Mark, his easygoing friend who also happened to be Rose's crush. It was a complicated mix of emotions that I struggled to process.

"Oh, that's...great," I managed to say, trying to mask my inner turmoil.

"Soli, you look sad and tired. Is everything okay?" Rose asked, concern etched on her face.

"I...I didn't get much sleep last night," I lied, not wanting to burden her with the truth about my complicated feelings towards John and Mark.

As Mr. Kermit entered the classroom and assumed his position at the front, I turned to Rose with a puzzled expression, seeking an explanation for the teacher's sudden announcement.

"Sorry to tell you so late, your place is in that back corner," Rose whispered, pointing towards the far end of the room.

Feeling a mix of confusion and resignation, I picked up my belongings and made my way to the designated spot, taking my seat in the corner. As I settled in, I glanced around to find that I was now alone in our little group.

"So after today, you're going to be sitting in that place," Mr. Kermit informed us, his gaze sweeping the room. When he turned back to face the front, I noticed that nobody else was beside me.

"So we have John and Mark here," the teacher added, referring to the late arrivals. Mark and John walked in together, looking somewhat embarrassed by their tardiness.

"Sorry, Mr. Kermit, we're late," Mark said, attempting to salvage some semblance of decorum.

"It's only for today," the teacher replied. "After today, if I see anyone coming in late again, I will give you a bad grade."

Mr. Kermit then turned his attention to me and the empty chair beside me. "John, go and sit with Soli," he instructed, pointing to the seat.

I was taken aback by this unexpected development. Anger and disbelief coursed through me as I realized that I would now be seated beside my sworn enemy, John. Meanwhile, Rose smiled warmly, as if this turn of events was somehow predestined.

"And Mark, sit beside Rose," Mr. Kermit continued, oblivious to the complex emotions swirling within the room.

As the lesson began, I found myself grappling with a new reality. I was now seated beside John, and the tension between us hung heavy in the air. Meanwhile, Rose and Mark seemed to be basking in their newfound proximity, leaving me feeling like I was caught in the midst of a cruel joke.


Author note:- I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to show your support by voting, following, and commenting. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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