Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I slowly opened the beautifully decorated letter from Weill Cornell Medical School, but before I could read it I quickly tossed it to my sister Eden.

"You read it!!! I can't!" She shrugged and stifled a laugh.

"Okayyy! Unfortunately..."

"Eden, you were never good at acting and it's not like this is my life dream or anything." I need a bucket or something for the sarcasm dripping from my words. This is my dream! Ok so yes I may have a problem with sarcasm. No one can ever tell when I am serious or not, at least they have trouble telling.

"Ohmegerd!!! You lucky little hoe! You did it! You did it! You did it!"

You couldn't even slap the grin off my face if you wanted too. This is mine. My world, my life, my dream and it's all coming true.



I opened my eyes mad at the world for waking me, but still I sat there with a goofy grin on my face. That dream, well I should say memory, was me about 4 years ago. Oh my, I haven't even introduced myself! I'm Canaan...not Canon or Cayman or Kanan. Kay-nin( that's how you say it). My life is uhhh interesting to say in the least. I graduated high school after my sophomore year when I was just 15. I started college at 16 and then at 19 I was accepted to Weill Cornell Medical school. I applied early decision, so that was the only med school I got accepted to.

Here I am at 22 nearly finished with medical school, and most of my friends from high school are only about to get their baccalaureates. It's weird, but I have always felt older than my actual age. My parents said that when I was a baby I was carrying on conversations with people at eight months old. They thought it was normal being that I was their first child. They were so young.

Two more months, just two more months and I will be out of this place becoming a plastic surgeon. I just really got to get out of New York City. You would think that this place would have more pretty people considering broadway and all the celebrities that visit here. You would be wrong to assume that though because for every pretty one there was at least five ratchet ones ready to smother that person's beauty.

By that statement, it is probably pretty easy to tell I am single and fine with it. Yes, I am fine with it or at least I would like to say so. I mean I am a 23 year old virgin for crying out loud. I avoided relationships like a professional. Sure people liked me, but I have a way of talking myself out of love or liking someone, and then I just push them away. It is a horrible way to live and a vicious cycle, but I had more important things to worry about than love. I had to stay focused on school. No distractions would or will ever keep me from my ultimate goal. World Domination...of the plastic surgery world that is.

Gahhh...I am seriously so tired of subways.

Wammm! The subway driver slammed on the breaks sending an idiot not holding onto the railing flying at me. I stumbled over onto a man in his mid-fifties, as this "donkey" (I don't curse) fumbled around trying to get to his feet. He was about 5'9, my height, and fairly good looking. Too bad I don't go for short guys. Sorry it just doesn't do it for me I guess.

"Sorry! I-I-I Can I buy you a coffee or something?" He looked down at my shirt, and right before I could convey my rage I realized the tea I had spilt all over my shirt. Correction, I realized all the tea he had spilt on my shirt. Awesome way to start the day, wouldn't you say so? I am supposed to be meeting my mother at John's Pizza, but it looks like I will be meeting up with some homeless people in Grand Central Station now. Okay, so that is a little dramatic, but my shirt is kinda ruined.

"Um, one I don't drink coffee and two I am kinda on my way to meet someone."

"Kinda on your way? Come on let me at least get you a new shirt"

Like hell you will! No you have done enough! Leave me alone!

"Fine a new shirt and I am gone. I really am meeting someone." He nodded and chuckled a little. He had straggly blonde hair, a five-o'clock shadow, and I was receiving some serious hipster vibrations coming from him.

This is gonna be interesting.


Author'a notes: This is my first book on Wattpad. Let me know what you think of the chapter, of Canaan, and her personality! Thanks! Vote and Comment below! :)

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