Chapter 2

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Whatever his name is and I hopped of the subway at 5th street. It was close to Johns kinda and there was a few stores around. I only had twenty minutes to find my shirt and be on my merry way. I couldn't just have my mother waiting after all. We walked into some random boutique I had never even heard of.

"Ummm, is this place look okay? I mean I would say it kinda fits your style"

"You see one of my outfits and think you know my style?" Like really, you don't even know me you annoying person!

"You just haha never mind. What is your name by the way?"

"Canaan. What's yours?" Like I really want to know.


We didn't talk for at least a good ten minutes. It was nice that he didn't mind the silence because I really hate having to be the one carrying a conversation. I pick out a seafoam green peplum. It was sleeveless and might I add gorgeous. It worked with my black skinny jeans and sandals, so I motioned for RJ to come to the front.

The salesperson scanned the tag and it rung up $30. I definitely would not have paid that much for it with my own money. RJ didn't seemed bothered and he just handed over the cash. I ran to the dressing room and changed. I tousled my hair a bit and whipped the smeared mascara from under my eyes. I look attractive. That is sarcasm by the way.

"Thanks for the shirt. I have to go. I am about to be late meeting my mom. So bye!"

"Wow wow there not so fast. Can I get your number?"

Hah! Yeah right!

"Maybe another time." I smiled and quickly ran before I could see his reaction. He was probably mad, but I don't really care. I just need to go.

I saw my mom's shining face. She engulfed me in huge hug and I took in the smell of her hair. It was a sweet, clean scent that I missed. Some of my old sleep shirts had that same smell, probably because the used to be hers. I haven't seen my mom in a couple months. We talk all the time, but that isn't the same as her actually ring here. There is something about her that just makes me trust and tell her everything. She has always given me a new perspective and a better one at that in any given situation.

"I really missed you. How has school been? Anything new?"

"Not since we talked yesterday. Haha". I beamed at her smiling considering how happy I am to see her.

"You know it's okay to start talking to guys now right? I mean you are going to graduate in less than two months, and it won't deter you from graduating."

"Mom, I do talk to guys. I just don't see anything going well after the first date."

"Kay ( what my family calls me), will you ever see anyone going passed the first date?"

"I don't know. I guess it will have to be the right guy." We dropped the subject and ate our pizza. Yes, our pizza magically appeared sometime during own "guy" conversation. I had had that same conversation at least 100 times with her, but nothing had changed really except that now I can't use school as an excuse now.

We left the restaurant, and I walked her to my place. It is an old apartment type home. It has "character" apparently. Mom decorated it pretty cute four years ago when I moved in. We both flopped down on the couch and flipped through the channels of the 42" inch TV I brought from my old room at home. I settled on a 90s movie called Before Sunrise. Ethan Hawke was in it, and it was about these strangers that spend a day together. They have the perfect day and night, but part ways at sunrise due to Ethan Hawke having a plane to catch. It is unfair they just left before anything could get complicate or weird. It was just perfect and kinda tragic. I kinda wish I could have a day like that. It would be really depressing the day after, but at least that day happened, and my memory of him would be of a perfect guy. You have to hold onto those moment or more like dreams that someone can literally be perfect for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2013 ⏰

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