Chapter 9

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To me walking is therapeutic, I listen to the birds singing and the tree's blowing in the gentle wind that's picked up this afternoon.
I had the day off today as Gloria had an important WI meeting to be at.

I spent my morning helping mum out at a new house she had to get finished by the end of the week, there was still so much to do as some contractors hadn't turned up on time so it all fell back on mum to sort out. So I mucked in and helped do anything I could do, honestly I can't remember spending that much time laughing and joking with my mum in such a long time.

I love my job at the cafe but I miss the amount of time I used to get to spend with her but then again she's always busy these days and often if I have time spare I spend it alone like I am now but I like it, the peace is so soothing and it doesn't feel that bad, you get used to it.
I really do actually enjoy being alone, I see people all the time when at the cafe and I'm not one of those people that constantly need to be around others either.


Turing the corner of the little country lane I'm currently ambling along i practically nearly walk straight into someone's chest.
I think I'm bound to fall to my but due to completely not paying attention but then strong hands reach out faster than lightening and grab my waist before I go skyrocketing to the ground.

"Uh- oh - I'm so so sorry,
I-uh wasn't paying attention"

Why am I stuttering? This is embarrassing and ridiculous, where was my smart quick words now?

"You alright?" the voice of my savour asks.
I realise in the moment I look up at him that it's the boy i saw in the cafe yesterday.
The boy with golden hair and a smile that lights up entire skies.

Making sure I'm stood up probably he let's go of my waist slowly.
Thats the first time a boy has ever touched me like that and I feel almost in a daze.
I know it's not really that intimate, but to me having a boy touch my waist after spending all my time devouring romance novels is definitely unknown ground to me.

"I'm Sam, by the way" 
he adds with a small smile.

I reply.

I smile at him regaining my usual happiness now and feeling myself again, giving me a smile in return he then adds "nice to meet you"
"You too, well officially" I say with a nervous chuckle.
He looks straight at me like he's trying to place the pieces together and I see as the line in his brow forms and then the realisation hits him quickly.
Confusion being replaced by understanding he then says something I wasn't expecting.

"Your the one that told those assholes to practically, bloody clear off,
about time someone did" he says with a slight smirk.

"Aren't they your friends?" I ask completely confused and a little shocked to be honest.

"Oh no definitely not" he's quick to say, then continues
"I don't really know many people round here so I met them a few days ago and tagged along, didn't really want to but those girls didn't really give me much choice though" I nod understanding knowing full well what those lot are like.

"I haven't seen you around before have you just moved here?" I ask
"No I'm just staying with my aunt and uncle whilst my parents are busy back home"
I know that he's British but from further down south I would guess.

"Well I had better get back now, aunty doesn't like know I'm out and I've got to call my mum"

Smiling I say "well it was nice meeting you Sam"
"You too Charlotte" he says grinning whilst starting to walk in the opposite direction, as I do the same suddenly a thought occurs to me.
Turning on my heel and looking over my shoulder i shout "and Sam"
"Yeah" he reply's turning back around in the direction of where I'm stood.

"Want me to give you the tour of this place?"

I'm met with a grin as he runs back to where I am standing, "definitely, tomorrow ok?"
"Should be" I'm not working the entire day tomorrow as it's a Sunday and we only open for a couple of hours in the morning.

"You want to meet me beside the mail box on meadows lane? It's just behind the cafe I work at."
"Sounds good to me, what time?"

"Well I should be done by about 1 if that's ok"
with the usual grin returning to his face which I notice is practically part of his features, Sam reply's "it's a date then" then he's off walking again back in the direction he was going, I'm sorry what? I know it's an expression but who just says something like that then walks off without giving you a chance to reply.

"See you tomorrow Charlotte" he shouts over his shoulder
"Yeah you too Sam" I shout back still a little flustered from what he's just said.

I continue my walk back towards home with only one thought in my mind oh Boy is tomorrow going to be one crazy day!

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