Chapter 3: Kendra's POV

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Alex Karev is not a nice guy. I've seen it first hand. On a happier note, I talked to Owen today and he is coming home sometime next week. I couldn't be happier. I'm working with Dr. Shepherd today on a 72 year old patient with an aneurism in his brain. If ruptured, it could cause a major subdural hemorrhage. 

       "Morning, Dr. Hunt. Mr. Friedman requests that his..." I didn't hear anything else that Dr. Shepherd said. I was thinking of Owen. Did Iraq change him? Did he meet anyone there? Does he still want a family? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone shaking my shoulders. "Kendra? Did you here anything I just said?" Derek said angrily. I smiled sheepishly. 

        "No, sir. I'm sorry." I said. He sighed and repeated himself. 

        "Mr. Friedman wants his surgery bumped up so he can see his grandkid go off to college tomorrow morning." Dr. Shepherd explained as we arrived outside of Lucas Friedman's room. I smiled at the mention of grandchildren. That's what I want to be. I want to a grandmother one day. And I really hope Owen wants to be a grandfather alongside me. 

After we talked to Mr. Friedman about the time of his surgery, I walked into the ER. Don't you know, Alex Karev was right on my tail. 

       "Dr. Hunt, have I told you that you have beautiful eyes?" he asked, walking in front of me to stop my walking. 

       "What do you want, Karev?" I said, annoyance written all over my face. He smirked and then allowed his face soften. 

       "I want you, Kendra" he said, his lips close to my ear. I pushed him away, mentally scolding myself for giving him the opportunity to learn my first name. I walked away fiercely. Told you he was an ass. 

A/N: What did you guys think? I know that one was kind of short too, but I need to change POV's and this is a good place. I'm actually thinking to make this have only 10 or so chapters in it instead of a full on fanfiction. I have a couple ideas to start new books with, but you know. Until I update again.... Bye 

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