Chapter 1: Raze's POV

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"Mikhail..... HURRY UP!!" I bellowed at my friend who was still taking his Mosin Nagant at a snail's pace while waiting for him to appear at the hatch of my tank.

My friends and I were getting ready to towards the forest near the town where we lived for a scouting run but Mikhail was taking his own sweet time to get ready. I tapped my foot impatiently and fitted my helmet onto my head and placed the goggles over my glasses.

I heaved a huge sigh of annoyance once I saw him exit the house and began head over to where the rest of our roommates were.

"Sorry. I misplaced my katana and was ransacking the entire house for it" Mikhail apologised while climbing up the IS-7 I owned.

Jay sat at the edge on the tank, adjusting his cap and mask, while Darius started his All-Terrain Vehicle [ATV] and Tom strapped on his helmet. After Mikhail scrambled into the tank, I closed and secured the hatch and began to turn the ignition switch on and pressed the starting switch.

Usually, the tank can fit 4 people but I added an improved and more efficent autoloader which it is self-explanatory on what it does-automatically loads in the tank's rounds. The autoloader takes up a lot of space and Jay does not want to bother squeezing in the tank so he just sit at the edge, enjoying the scenery through his lens and being more prone to attacks and ambushes.

Darius was gifted a military ATV by his other friend so he is naturally in love with it. Tom would rather to be an open vehicle and appreciate the breeze carassing his face instead of in a tight and stuffy tank. Normally, the ATV can reach more than 105km/h or 65mph but due to the tank being so sluggish, Darius matches with my driving speed to improve our attack power all together.

Mikhail on the other hand, likes to help out with any technological issues so he is more than welcome to assist me with the tank.

Looking out of my periscopes, I tried not to smile as I observed Tom trying not to drop his gun as the ATV he was on hit a bump on the ground. Tom had his trusty KRISS Vector, a submachine gun, carried in his arms, and a sword outlined by gold strapped onto his back. Tom apparently has a degree in explosives so he is equipped with a special bag, modified to easily reach behind and take out, that is full of all kinds of unarmed explosives.

Darius, weaving around rocks and slopes, clutching his Uzi, a submachine gun, while controlling the ATV, had a diamond karambit- which I am pretty sure the 'diamond' part was referring to the knife being blue in colour instead of the carbon allotrope -in his pocket. His speedy ATV was about 3 years old and he didn't tell us if he had his driver's license or not.

Jay, just chilling on the side of the tank, had his CZ 75, a semi-automatic pistol, chilling in his pocket, occasionally threatening to fall out of the pocket. In the other pocket, he held a butterfly knife and strapped onto his back, he have an axe. Additionally, he was carrying a Medi Gun, a fascinating device that can heal death-threatening wounds and after 5 minutes, can activate it to provide a 8 seconds invulnerability to himself and the person he is healing. However, Jay most of the time don't keep track so he is unaware of it. Furthermore, he always avoids my question on whether I could see his medical license.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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