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*fluff idk*

It was a bone-chilling night, the kind that creeps into your bones and settles deep within your soul. Sanemi, a boy with a spirit as fierce as the winter winds, found himself expelled from his own home, a consequence of daring to defy his mother's authority

With each step he took, Sanemi felt the weight of rejection press upon him, his breath misting in the frigid air as he trudged toward the flickering lights of the town.

Knocking on doors in search of solace, he was met with closed doors and colder hearts, his hope dwindling with each rejection.

Just when despair threatened to consume him, he found himself standing before the last door, a sliver of hope lingering in the darkness.
The door creaked open, revealing a boy with eyes like sapphires and a heart of gold.

"Are you alright?"
the boy's voice cut through the icy silence, offering warmth and compassion in equal measure.

Sanemi nodded, unable to find the words to convey his gratitude for this unexpected act of kindness.

With a gentle smile, the boy disappeared momentarily, returning with a jacket that seemed to envelop Sanemi in a cocoon of comfort.

"Here, this should keep you warm!" he said, his words a balm to Sanemi's weary soul.

As Sanemi gratefully accepted the offering, the boy darted back inside, returning with bread and milk, a humble yet heartfelt gesture of generosity.

As he savored the simple meal, Sanemi couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope ignite within him, fueled by the warmth of the stranger's kindness.

"I-..How can I repay you?"
Sanemi's voice trembled with emotion, his heart heavy with gratitude.

The boy's laughter rang out like bells in the stillness of the night.
"No need for repayment. It's what neighbors do for each other, isn't it?"

Sanemi felt a lump form in his throat, humbled by the boy's selflessness and the depth of his compassion.

"Besides this is just nothing, have a good night!"

With a nod of thanks and a promise to pay it forward, Sanemi ventured back into the night, the memory of the boy's kindness a guiding light in the darkness.

And as he disappeared into the shadows, a bond was forged between two souls, united by the simple yet profound act of extending a helping hand to a stranger in need..

'Fast forward a few years later!'

Years passed, and the boy who had once extended a hand of kindness had grown into a strong, healthy man. However, fate dealt him a cruel blow as he fell ill with a rare disease, one that left doctors baffled and his health deteriorating by the day.

Despite the efforts of the local doctors, the disease seemed incurable, prompting them to send him to a specialized hospital in the city.

As he lay in the hospital bed, his life hanging in the balance, doctors scrambled for a solution, their desperation palpable in the air.

In a last-ditch effort, they called upon Shinazugawa Sanemi, renowned as one of the most skilled doctors in the field.

Sanemi entered the patient's room, his mind racing as he took in the severity of the situation. And then, as he learned of the patient's origins, a spark of recognition ignited within him.

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