Puerto Rico

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Beneath the sun's kiss,

Puerto Rico's shores beckon,

Where palm trees sway in rhythm,

And waves whisper timeless tales.

In the heart of the island,

Mountains rise, guardians of the land,

Their peaks shrouded in mist,

Echoing with the legacies of yore.

Through vibrant streets of San Juan,

Colors dance in the tropical breeze,

History etched in every cobblestone,

A fusion of traditions, a tapestry of life.

From the lush rainforests of El Yunque,

To the pristine beaches of Flamenco,

Puerto Rico's beauty transcends time,

A paradise where dreams take flight.

In the soul of its people,

Resides a fortitude unyielding,

A resilience forged through challenges,

And a warmth that never wanes.

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