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 "So, how'd it go?" my brother asks as I press my phone to my ear while juggling my keys and trying to unlock my car door.

"Oh, you know. Employer ends up being the guy I spilled dinner on last night, whom I may or may not have let jump to the conclusion that I was my co-worker instead of myself, thus sending my interview over a giant cliff, where it crashed and burned into oblivion. It's a long story," I reply, climbing into my Toyota Camry and starting the engine.

I'm on my way to work after my disastrous interview, and I'm feeling particularly depressed. I had hoped to inform Scotty Boy that I was quitting, and we could both celebrate our parting ways. Seriously, he would've been so excited to get rid of me. Unfortunately, our celebration will have to be put on hold until I can find another job. And I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I can hear Luke's laughter through the car's speakers as I back out of my parking space.

"I swear Bree, this kind of crap only happens to you." He's finding way too much entertainment from my current predicament.

I roll my eyes, huffing indignantly. "Whatever. How was I supposed to know that Hot Nacho Guy was going to be interviewing me? What are the freaking odds?" I slam my hand against my steering wheel in frustration as Luke continues to laugh at my expense.

"I know, it's hilarious," I add sarcastically.

"You could always move back in with Mom and Dad," he suggests, making me wish he was in the car with me so I could poke his eyes out. But alas, he's in his new little home with Liv and my nephew, Leo. They recently moved back from Denver, and it's awesome to have them so close.

They're so cute it's disgusting.

I may have a close relationship with my parents, but it would take a lot for me to move back in with them, and I'm praying it won't come to that.

"Or I could just move in with you and Liv. Leo needs a nanny, right?" I tease, knowing that we'd end up killing each other if we ever lived together again. Our affection isn't shown in hugs and kisses, but more like headlocks and wet willies.

Mature, I know.

I can hear him chuckle some more through the phone as I pull into the parking lot. I place my cell between my shoulder and ear, grabbing my purse and heading into the restaurant, ready to start another day.

A long, exhausting day.

"Look, I gotta go to work. Give my little Leo a kiss for me."

"See ya, Breezy. Maybe Liv and I will come to Tumblers for dinner one of these days."

I smile inwardly, because I know that if they come eat at Tumblers I'll be getting a nice fat tip no matter what happens. We might tease each other relentlessly, but we love each other to death.

"I'd love that! I need a new pair of shoes," I tease.

"Yeah, yeah. Now get to work before Scott really does fire you."

I stick my tongue out, even though he can't see me, and say goodbye as I pull open the front door and head inside.

I make my way to the breakroom in the back of the building and place my giant purse in my locker. Confirming that I'm putting on the right name tag, oops, I pin it to my white blouse and stroll to my designated area for the evening.

As I make my way over to a nearby table, I'm stopped by Rylee and nearly have a heart attack when she squeals in my ear excitedly.

She and I are friendly to each other, but I definitely wouldn't consider us "outside of work" friends.

If I did, I wouldn't have inadvertently thrown her under the bus yesterday by spilling food on a customer and letting said customer assume I was Rylee instead of myself. To be fair, she's one of Scotty's favorite waitresses, so it's not like she would've gotten into that much trouble anyway.

I roll my eyes at my weak defense. There's no excuse for what I did, and I need to stop trying to justify it.

But seriously, it was not my fault!

"Oh my gosh! You are not going to believe what Kristy just told me!" she squeals, her high-pitched voice making me jump. "Apparently, this hot guy was asking about me yesterday and wanted to know if I was single! Can you believe that? He must've come back from another day, 'cuz it's not like I was working yesterday or anything, but still! I must've made quite the impression on him. Kristy says he was a total babe! O.M.G, I hope he comes back tonight!" She sighs dreamily, while I cringe inwardly.

Hopefully no one else saw that I had accidentally grabbed the wrong name tag yesterday, or I'm going to be screwed. Even Scott's pity won't save me from her wrath.

"That's awesome, Rylee! You'll have to let me know what happens!" I reply, hoping I sound enthusiastic instead of guilty as hell for impersonating a co-worker.

"I totally will! I'm so used to getting hit on by creepers, it would be nice to have a good one for once, you know?"

Oh boy, do I know. I haven't found a "good one" in way too long. The last few guys I dated were either "between jobs," "finding themselves," or "sticking it to the man."

I roll my eyes again, doing a quick recount of my dating life this past year.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure all the good ones are taken. Or gay. Whoever said there are a lot of fish in the sea hasn't been fishing around here."

"Right?" she agrees. "It's ridiculous." Rylee grabs a pitcher of water and makes her way toward one of her tables, dramatically ending our conversation.

I'm sure I'll hear more about the total babe later.

The evening passes pretty quickly, and I manage to make it through half my shift without spilling anything, which is a damn near miracle. I want to pump my fist in the air triumphantly, but know I'll just jinx myself.

I take a quick bathroom break and fix my out-of-control hair into a messy bun before hurrying back to my area.

I stumble slightly, my foot catching on nothing but air, as I take in the new customer sitting in one of my booths.

No. Freaking. Way.

I take a deep breath in through my nose and let it out slowly. Straightening my spine, I lift my chin and march to the booth with as much confidence as I can muster.

"Hi, Ms.Westfield! It's nice to see you again! What can I get for you?" I state happily, trying to hide the fact that I feel like puking.

This woman witnessed one of my most embarrassing moments earlier today. The wound is a little too fresh to ignore right now, but I try my best to act like it never happened while wondering if I'm really fooling anyone.

"Please, call me Kathy." She smiles warmly. "I'm so glad you're working tonight. I wanted to finish talking to you since your interview was cut a little short."

My interview was cut a little short? Well, yeah! I was caught lying to the head of the company after I spilled crap all over him the night before. Not exactly what I'd call a good first impression. Of course the interview was cut short.

I try to look casual, but I'm pretty sure I just look constipated as my frazzled brain tries to register what she's said.

Kathy rushes on. "Don't worry, Sweetie. It wasn't your fault! Derrick can be a little intense sometimes, but you'll get used to it." She pats my hand kindly as I try to catch up on the conversation.

Did I miss something?

"I'm sorry. Get used to what?"

"Honey, we'd like to offer you the job. If you're still interested in the position?"

I look behind me, convinced she's talking to someone else, because there's no way she's actually offering me the job.

"I'm sorry... me?" I point to my chest.

She must think I'm dense.

Kathy smiles kindly before nodding. "Yes, you Bree. Or should I call you Rylee?" She winks.

I laugh out loud, grateful for her sense of humor. "Bree is just fine. You can call me Rylee when I spill coffee in the conference room or forget to make copies."

She chuckles good-naturedly before standing and shaking my hand. "So you'll take the job?" she confirms.

"I'd be stupid not to!" I gush, my excitement bubbling out of me.

"Perfect. I'll see you Monday?"

I can't help but grin as I squeeze her hand lightly. "Sounds great! Can't wait! I won't be late!"

I cringe, realizing I've just replied to my future employer in rhyme.

Thankfully, she laughs at my embarrassing word vomit and states, "They're going to love you." Kathy picks up her purse and heads out as I puzzle over her comment.

Who's going to love me? And how the hell did she convince Derrick to hire me?

I shrug off her parting statement, deciding to just be grateful for the job offer instead of questioning why I am receiving it, and head into Scotty's office, excited to share the good news.

Breezy ~ Kelsie RaeWhere stories live. Discover now