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   Apparently, the office consists of twenty-three employees, and a total of five women including Kathy and myself. To say the office is a sausage fest would be a gross understatement. Thankfully, the guys are super respectful, and the girls seem pretty friendly too. That being said, I definitely feel like fresh meat every time I walk through the "pit." It's as if they've never seen a woman before or something, which is ridiculous because there are a few scattered throughout the room.

I assume it's because I'm new, but it also might have something to do with the fact I wear makeup and heels, unlike the surrounding female population who are usually in hoodies and sneakers.

No judgment. Simply an observation.

The "pit" is a large open area on the other side of the office where everyone sits in front of computers coding all day. It also may or may not smell slightly like sweaty armpit, but I've been assured that's not how the "pit" earned its name.

My first week is great. Kathy is giving me a lot of responsibility, and I feel like I'm quickly catching on to everything she's teaching. However, I'm definitely ready to go home and soak in a nice hot bath for the rest of the weekend.

I am absolutely burnt out.

I'm shutting down my computer on Friday evening when Jude swaggers down the hallway, looking like a tiger on the prowl. I haven't seen him much since our initial meeting. Apparently, those deadlines are no joke.

"Hey Bree! We're all heading out to get a bevvy. Would you like to join us?" He raises his eyebrows in my direction, silently challenging me to decline.

I bite my lower lip while internally debating the idea of getting drinks with co-workers versus that nice hot bath I was just daydreaming about.

Before I can reply, Derrick strolls around the corner while loosening his necktie. His hair looks like he's recently run his fingers through it, and I have the sudden urge to run mine through it as well.

Nope. Those thoughts are not allowed in the Breezy Brain.

Not. Allowed.

After mentally berating myself, I notice both Jude and Derrick staring at me. Apparently, I was a little distracted.

What was the question again?

Oh. Right.

"I'm not sure Bree can make it. She's had a long week and looks exhausted," Derrick answers curtly, barely even glancing in my direction.

My eyebrows practically reach my hairline as I consider his words. I'm shocked that he would answer for me, let alone make a comment about my tired appearance.

"Excuse me?" I demand, accusingly. My hands are on my hips, and my foot is tapping the ground. I feel like a mother who's about to scold her son and give him a little lesson on manners. And boy does he need one.

You'd think he would look a little sheepish after his totally derogatory comment, but the bastard turns to me and maintains eye contact without a care in the world.

Aaaand I'm about to get fired for hitting my boss.

I practically stomp toward him at the same time Jude takes a much calmer step forward, effectively blocking me from physically assaulting my boss.

Breezy ~ Kelsie RaeWhere stories live. Discover now