Chapter 1: Nothing out of the usual.

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You know how the beginning of these things go.
I wake up at 6:40am not wanting to go to school, I force myself to wake up, and I start my morning routine. 

I start by eating the good ol' cereal, pour the cereal in then milk in that exact order, no exceptions.
Then I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, brushing teeth is important, remember to always do it or....I'll pout really hard.

Basic stuff that like that, nothing special.

Well, maybe I shouldn't be acting all monotone, it's only the beginning of the "book"


Okay fine I'll be nicer.
Hello I'm Dan, I'm Polish, not that I think you care about that.
But I like "showing off" that I'm Polish a lot online, soo... Deal with it.
I also recently joined the... uh..
Wait a second..... All of this information is in the description of the book..
Well..... I guess I don't need to tell you it then :P
Just read the description, pls.

I pack my lunch for school and then to pass the time, I decide to message 'good morning' to my friends and then watch some YouTube.

"Oh crap." I lost track of time, I'm gonna be late for the bus. I use the bus to get to school, since my home is pretty far from the school.

Without wasting any more time, I rush out the door.


How much are you betting I get to the bus on time? $3? €2? 5zł? Maybe 7R$? Perhaps more? I don't know, your call.


Guys! Guess what?

I made it to the bus on time, did you win or lose the bet? How much you earned/lost? Well unless you didn't bet any, well It doesn't matter, you get to keep your money anyway.

I made my way to school from the bus station, and made my way to the gym. You're probably thinking: 'You have PE for your first lesson?'

Yea, I also think it's kinda weird, especially on a Monday where everyone is still basically half-asleep from yesterday being Sunday (man, who made this schedule?)
I'm not sure you really want to know, but we played Football (Soccer for you uncultured folks)

I was hella exhausted after, I literally have no stamina, playing Football is the only time I give full effort on PE

Anyways the rest of the day went fine, during lunchtime I ate the lunch I packed in the morning in the hallway, as I always do.

The only part I didn't really enjoy today in school was when, I had English class as my 6th lesson, why do we even learn about Greek mythology? Finally, my last lesson for the day ended and I start to make my way over to the Club...


The.... Grass Eating Club..

I really don't know why we call it that...


Grass isn't the only thing they eat at the club.

Moving on.

I Gent- SHARPLY open the door to the club, and walk in.
Immediately after entering, I am greeted by Natalia: "Hi Dan! How are you doing today?" She says. "Hi Natal! I'm doing quite good actually, how about you?" I replied. " know, nothing special so far! :P"

Natalia and I both share the bond of being European homies, except she's Spanish, and I'm Polish, as you heard previously, so we generally relate a little bit more with each other in comparison to the others, even if she's the opposite gender, obviously.

I walk past Natalia to see the familiar face of our club president, the one and only: Justin.
"Ayo what's up my Polish bro!" He greeted. "Nothing out of the ordinary, Spider homie" I greeted back.

Justin despite being the club's president is very laid-back and dare I say.. not quite sane.
We call him with spider nicknames, after he said he liked spiders and also always spams spider emoji's in one YouTuber's stream chat, despite that though he is still kinda scared of them. Although we call him by spider nicknames, he's American, and rarely, but still from time to time definitely shows.

After greeting Justin, I begin to look around the room as if looking for a 3rd person, I stop to ask the others: "Hey! Where's Félix? Is he not here yet?" I ask the group. "Um no, He's here, he's just in the closet." Replied Justin. "Oh okay." I nodded in understanding.

I went to the closet, opened the door to see that Félix was indeed sitting in the closet, I noticed that he was admiring a piece of paper.

"Um..Hi Félix!" I greeted. "Ah!" Félix shouted, seemingly being caught of guard. "Oh sorry.. Hi Dan! It's nice to see you!" Quickly recovering. "Yea you too. Why were you staring at a piece of paper, though?" I asked confused. "Uh....don't worry about it."

Oh, I'm going to worry about it, alright.

(A/N: First chapter of a dumb 'book' I hope you enjoyed. Fun fact: This chapter used to actually be 2 chapters, but some when down the line I combined them together, because they were both so short. Thanks for reading~!)

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