He saw the signs.

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You thought you were going to be okay, that everything was going to be okay. Everyone thought that you were okay and the usual annoying rookie. But what they didn't know was the bruises and wounds under your clothes, hidden so well. To everyone's eyes your boyfriend was an angel, a respected Colonel that protected you from any harm, except his violence. He knew the team that you were inserted in and every time he saw you being friendlier than usual with keegan , he would 'teach you a lesson' so you could behave when he wasn't around.

You thought you hid it well, you thought you did a great job, not until you were locked up in your own quarters for two days straight. He took it too far and left you with a broken wrist and bruises all over you, since then you stayed in your room, terrified. Your sudden absence alerted your team, everyone tried reaching out to you, especially keegan. A knock on your door made you shiver, but Keegans familiar voice soothed you, "(y/n) , I'm coming in." He managed to unlock your door and stepped inside, before freezing on the spot when he saw your black eye and bruises on your arms, your wrist red and swollen. He thought he knew everything about you, he thought he was doing a great job protecting you, *he was so wrong and he failed you. He never saw the signs.* "Fuckin' hell. Is it him? Just say it."Keegan flexed his hand in and out, fury filling his dark eyes.

"Wait keegan it's not what it looks like-" you said quickly pulling your sleeves down and tried to look fine.

You could see the veins on his temple bulge out as he stared at you, his eyes piercing right through you. His expression was neutral, but everything about him was raging with a silent anger, "I already know you're going to lie about this, so just tell me the truth.". He folded his hands behind his back as the rage kept steadily building up inside of him.
His anger was starting to seep through his neutral expression. He couldn't believe that you could let this keep going, let this man hurt you over and over. You were strong, you were brave, he just wanted to understand why you kept covering for this guy. Your silence broke his heart, he didn't know how much pain could fit in one person's eyes. He had lost all restraint. "Answer."

"Its (y/b/n) he been doing it" you said in a low voice you really didn't want to talk about it because when your boyfriend finds out the abuse will be so much worse then before.

The anger faded away, as the realisation had set in. "That Colonel bastard (y/b/n)?" Keegan muttered under his breath, it had become clear now. "And you've been covering for him this whole time, letting him hit you like this?" Keegan couldn't believe how naive he had been. He had failed to see the signs, failed to protect his partner. His eyes narrowed as he approached you, getting closer until you were pressed up against the wall.

"Keegan what was i supposed to do.. hes my boyfriend.." i said obviously not happy at all in the relationship but didn't have anything else in my mind.

"No, (y/b/n)'s not your boyfriend. He doesn't love you, he doesn't care about you. All he wants is control." Keegan pushed himself away from the wall as his fingers curled into tight fists. "What kind of monster treats you like that?" He hissed, he felt so betrayed. You made him believe that you were happy, you made him believe everything was okay, every time he had asked about (y/b/n) . And now he stood here, finally seeing the signs.

then as you were sitting on your bed holding your wrist cuz it was swollen meanwhile your boyfriend
(Y/b/n)  appeared at the front door and just stood there.
You saw (y/b/n) appear at the front door and froze where you stood. Your stomach dropped with fear at the sight of him. He couldn't have guessed what was going on, he couldn't have known. No, he was just there to check up on you, probably to see if you're still alive. His presence filled you with dread and anxiety, you didn't want him to know about any of this, you were worried he would kill you if he found out the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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