Chapter I

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Year: 1912

The Wright's

    Her Ladyship, Lady Aurora, was starting to wake up as the sun gracefully rose up, the bright rays just peeking through the windows of her balcony. Aurora flinched at the sudden bright light, blinking her eyes open to see the sunrise. Her blue eyes were small at first before increasing in size, noticing that the sky had rather turned blue quickly. She lifted herself up into a sitting position, prepared for something, or rather, someone.

   A sudden knock came at the door, a calm but quiet voice came afterwards: "My Lady." It called out, or rather, she. "Come in." Aurora answered, a small smile upon her lips as a woman with reddish, brown hair entered, her pale, green eyes spotted her immediately. She was carrying a tray of small food and a cup of tea as she came to Aurora with it, setting it onto her lap. "Thank you, Clara." Aurora thanked her, Clara nodded before stepping back, turning around and walking towards a large, brown wardrobe. Clara filtered through the many dresses and outfits before picking out a Light Violet one, with a Violet sashé part at the top. "What do you think, My Lady?" Clara asked Aurora, who looked up from her tea and studied the dress. "It is rather pretty, but..its not what I'm looking for today. Something charming, yet soft." She answered her housemaid, trying to decide carefully, especially for her Parents Image. Clara hummed in response as she placed it back, rummaging through them once again. Aurora had nearly finished her breakfast before Clara picked out another dress, "How about this, My Lady?" Clara asked her, holding a soft, green version of the same dress, except the sleeves were longer. Aurora thought for a moment before nodding her head, agreeing with the decision. Clara smiled as she placed the dress onto Aurora's bed, at the far side as she finished her meal. Clara noticed and took the tray away from Aurora, carrying it over to a side-table that wasn't used for anything else.

   "Clara," Aurora spoke, a questioning look on her face, "do you feel that something will happen today? I don't know why, but I feel that something will happen today, something will...change." Aurora asked her maid, troubled yet firm in her statement. Clara thought for a moment before answering, "I agree with you My Lady, but why have you asked me this?" Aurora had a troubled look on her face, as if she hesitated to speak about it. "I'm unsure, I'm just curious for your opinion." She told Clara, making her way over to her beauty desk and sitting in the wooden chair infront of it. The mirror in front of Aurora seemed to make her look more beautiful, the silver lining of the outside of the glass glowed at her presence. "I understand My lady." Clara responded as she grabbed a small brush of light, yellow bristles and a wooden frame. Clara picked up the brush and started combing it through Aurora's hair softly, trying to not hurt her Ladyship at all.

   A sudden Knock at the door alerted the two women, they were both in the middle of getting Aurora's dress on. "Who is it?" Clara asked, her fingers still lingering on Aurora's shoulders, her eyes full alert. "It's Christopher, Ma'am." He responded, his voice slightly filled with worry. "Come in." Aurora spoke, having Clara tighten her fingers onto her shoulders as Christopher stepped in, his black and white uniform smooth as ever. "Her Ladyship requests of Lady Aurora to the Drawing Room immediately." He replied, his arms and hands behind his back as his soft, light brown hair bounced a little. Aurora nodded almost immediately after he spoke, "Good, please leave us for a minute while we finish with my dress. We'll be down not too much longer." She responded, noticing Clara's unusually rude stare at Christopher. The footman nodded before he left, taking one more glance at Aurora before shutting the door firmly. Clara still staring at the door, made an unusual rude statement, "I don't like him staring at you My Lady." Aurora nodded as Clara slid her head around to keep working on Aurora's dress, "I understand, but soon enough, I will get betrothed, and you won't have to worry about Men like him trying to court me." Aurora spoke, earning a shot lived laugh from her Maid.

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