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"How do you feel?"

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"How do you feel?"

The small family were on an airplane on their way to DC. Noah asleep between the couple after hours into their journey. Scott could see that Anastasia was struggling, hoping to keep it together for her son but he was now asleep so he hoped that she would talk about how she was feeling, hating how upset she was.

Anastasia sighed, "I don't want to go back. Part of that is because I have to relive something that was traumatic but the other part is having to see the BAU again, especially my brother. I really thought I was over this, I really thought I had a handle of my emotions and could deal with anything thrown my way but now I'm not so sure. The more I think about being back in DC, the stronger the feeling of dread washed over me." The thought having to be in court to face the monster that hurt her once was bringing back feelings she had thought she had dealt with, but more importantly, she did not want to face her brother or the team that she thought she could trust.

Scott took a hold of her hand, "No matter what happens, you need to know you're one of the strongest people I know. You have been through so much but you got help and you're getting through it. I know it hasn't been easy and the feelings you thought you had gotten through are back but you have to know it's a process and you're not alone. We'll get through this together, even if it means I have to get a little hands on." He knew she hated it when he got hands on with people that threatened to hurt her or their family. She had never been a fan of violence, hence why she had gone into computer security and code creation.

Anastasia rolled her eyes as she hit his shoulder, "Must you be so crass? I know it's all in my head but it just sucks you know. The worst part is that even after everything that's happened, I miss my brother." She had always been close to her brothers, especially Shawn since she spent most of her life looking after him. Aaron was her big brother, they looked out for each other but after everything that had happened, he had let her down. The one person she thought would never let her down, let her down and she didn't know how to get past it. Shawn had at least kept in touch, calling her weekly. Aaron never picked up the phone when she called him, nor did he reply to any of her letters. That was when she decided, she wanted nothing to do with him.

"No matter what happens, you know we're here for you."

"I know, I couldn't be more grateful for you both."

"Take all the time you need

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"Take all the time you need."

Noah had been dropped off at a friend's house while they went to the FBI headquarters. Anastasia knew she had to talk to the BAU, reliving the experience in order for them to get as much evidence on the guy to ensure he gets the death penalty for what he had done to her and his other victims. Part of her was scared to relive the experience but the other part of her wanted nothing to do with the BAU.

Anastasia sighed as she held Scott's hand tighter, "I really don't want to do this." The couple was stood outside the building as she worked up the courage to actually go inside. She knew the whole team would be there and she did not want to face them, even with Scott by her side.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to." Scott spoke softly. He hated seeing the distress that she was in, having to go through something traumatic once again, especially since he suspected that she was pregnant even if she didn't say anything. He had always been good at reading her, something that she hated.

Anastasia took a deep breath, "Let's get this over with." Scott nodded as they started walking into the building. She held her head high as she got up to the sixth floor of the FBI building with her husband by her side. As soon as she walked through the glass doors, a squeal was heard. They both turned to look at where the sound came from and a bright smile came across Anastasia's face.

"Ana-cat, I have missed you." Penelope grinned as she wrapped her arms tightly around her friend. No matter what had gone down, Penelope was someone that she could always trust, someone that kept in contact with her when most of the team abandoned her and someone that she had always considered her sister.

Anastasia laughed as she hugged her back, "I have missed you too, sunshine."

"You have to show me pictures of the little man." Penelope smiled.

"How about meeting the little man this afternoon?" Anastasia proposed.

Penelope squealed once again, "Really? I can't wait to see the little man." Penelope had been one of the first people to find out that she was pregnant. Anastasia sent her as many pictures as she could, updating her on her life in Budapest.

Before Anastasia could say anything a voice spoke from behind her, "Anastasia?" The mother turned around to find her big brother standing there. He looked like he had seen a ghost and didn't know how to process the fact that she was standing in front of him. JJ, Rossi, Reid and a new face were standing behind him.

Anastasia took a deep breath before addressing him, "Aaron. I'm here, let's get this over with." He clearly looked like he wanted to say more but he couldn't in front of everyone.

"Right this way." He spoke as he pointed towards his office. Anastasia took a hold of Scott's hand as she moved to walk towards his office. Aaron looked at her confused, "Just you Anastasia."

"My husband comes with me."

"You're married?"

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