chapter one

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Thursday, March 27

As Reece stepped into school, he observed the cliques around him. He wasn't really in a clique, he had his one friend, Ella Preston. Reece went on quietly to his locker, trying not to bump into anyone.
He grabbed his books and shut the locker, then began to head to his first class, math. Walking into the class, everything seemed perfectly normal. The teacher was at his desk, kids scattered around the classroom talking. Reece went over to sit in his seat, but there was a guy in it, one he had never seen before.
"Who are you?" Reece inquired. The boy looked at Reece.
"I'm Viktor Thomas. Sorry if I'm in the wrong place, I'm new." He had a pretty cool accent, though Reece couldn't put his finger on where he was from.
"Yeah, um... this is actually my seat. You're fine though, it's no big deal. I'm Reece... Reece Mackenzie."
"I'm from Italy. My English is sort of uh, messy, sorry." In that moment was when Reece finally focused on Viktor. And holy smokes was he fine.
"Hey... you could sit behind me, if you want to of course. The seat is-" Reece felt someone put their hand on his shoulder. He turned around, and it was Ella.
"I see you met Viktor, huh?" Reece raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah, I did. How do you know him?"
"I'm his guide, for his first day. Viktor, this is my friend I told you about." Ella explained.
"Ah. He's quite adorable, oddly stylish for an American boy."
"You're... gay?" Ella muttered. "You like guys, Viktor?" He nodded.
"I do, yes. Is there a problem?"
"Yeah, that's... gross." Reece turned his head as he began to tear up.
"I'll, um, see you later, Ella." Reece walked as fast as he could out of the classroom without running, all the way to the restroom that was just down the hall. Luckily for him, no one was in there. Reece leaned against the wall, slid down and began to let everything out. Is she going to react that way when I tell her? Reece thought.
Reece heard the sound of someone walking into the restroom.
He looked up, beginning to try to stand up, yet, it was Viktor.
"You're gay as well, aren't you?" Viktor asked as he sat down next to Reece.
"I am, but Viktor, that's my best friend. She's gonna hate me." Reece sniffled. Viktor looked at Reece, using his thumb to wipe the tears off Reece's cheeks.
"She doesn't really sound like a great friend if you really think she will hate you for being yourself. But hey, at least you have me now, right?" Viktor looked down at the floor and gasped. "Reece! You've got blood all over you!" Reece lifted his arm,and he was bleeding alright.
"Oh, it's no big deal," Reece said, casually wiping his wrist with his sleeve.
"Are you sure? That doesn't look too good..." Great, he noticed, Reece thought. "Reece, you should really talk to somebody about your mental health and cutting..."
"No, Viktor. They're only going to try to send me to a therapist or something. I don't want that, I really don't. Why do you even care? We just met five minutes ago."
"Reece-" before Viktor could say more, Reece got up and walked out of the restroom, and straight out of the school.
    He started running, all the way to his house a couple blocks down. When Reece reached the sidewalk of his house, he walked up to the concrete steps of the porch and sat down breathlessly.
    His mind raced, including every event from the morning leading up to him leaving school. Is it wrong to like men? Why did this Viktor guy have to mess everything up?! He continued thinking.
"Jameson? Why the heck aren't you in school?" A voice from behind Reece asked. He slowly turned around to see his father standing behind him.
"School got out early." Lie.
"Did it really? Are you feeling alright, Jameson?" Reece nodded.
"Dad, I need to get something off my chest." Reece sighed as if he was on a roller coaster, waiting for a drop. His dad sat down next to him, putting his hand on his shoulder.
"I'm listening."
"I don't really know how to put this, but I'm gay. Ever since middle school I've always-" Reece's dad hushed him before he could finish.
"Reece, it's okay. It doesn't matter who or what you like." Reece felt more relieved than he ever had before.
"And also... school wasn't cancelled. My friend, Ella... she said the new kid was disgusting for being gay, like me. And I came home after he found all of my scars by accident."
"A new boy? Tell me about him. Is he nice?" His dad asked.
"Yeah, he's super nice. His name is Viktor Thomas, he's from Italy. He's tall, has dark hair, and he's very muscular."
"I'd like to meet him, are you guys friends?"
"Somewhat, I guess, you could call him in from the school, if you wanted." Reece's dad stood up and started toward his car.
"Coming?" He questioned.
"To get Viktor, silly." Reece rolled his eyes, then got into the car with his dad.
"Dad, are you sure you can get him from school? I was just joking about that, I just met him!"
"I'm sure."
"Dad, you don't even know him!" Reece sighed again, this time in disbelief

at the school

Reece's dad got out of the car and went into the school. Not even five minutes later, he came walking out, Viktor by his side. Viktor opened the door and got into the backseat, and before he fully sat down, he kissed Reece's cheek. "Come stai caro?"
"And you guys just met, is that so?" Reece's dad chuckled.
"What... did you say, Viktor?"
"I said, how are you, dear?"
"Oh... I'm okay."
"Good, I'm glad." Reece's dad started driving back to the house. "You're so red, Reece." Viktor giggled.
"You just kissed me!"
"I know. Hey, does the school have a soccer team?" Viktor asked.
"I think there is, I don't play any sports. Do you play?" Of course he plays, look at his legs!
"I've played ever since I was six years old. I play center-back."

at the house

They walked in, and Reece motioned for Viktor to follow him. He led him up to his room, and they both sat down on his bed.
"I need to use the restroom, I'll be back." Viktor nodded, and Reece walked out of the room. Viktor looked over and noticed an open notebook on Reece's nightstand. He curiously grabbed it and started reading. It was a list of things Reece wanted in a boyfriend.
Viktor was interrupted by someone standing in front of him. "Nosy much, Viktor?" he smirked
"I mean, it's quite specific, and I mean, I'm pretty qualified if I say so myself."
"You know, I could be your boyfriend, amore."
"No. Not yet, at least. Is that how you say 'love'?"
"It is, yes. Say 'Piacere di conoscerti." Viktor smiled.
"Piacere di conoscerti..."
"That's 'nice to meet you' in Italian, only, you don't have an accent. You still sound very adorable though."
"That's weird to say." Reece laughed. "Teach me more."
"You have a pen, Reece?" He nodded and handed Viktor a pen from his pocket. Viktor began to write some translations for Reece in his notebook.

Amore. = Love.
Ti voglio bene. = I love you.
buona giornata = Have a nice day.
come ti senti = How do you feel?
Grazie = Thank you.

"People at school will be so confused if you speak like that, just like you were when you heard me." Viktor said, giggling.

Friday, March 28 | 2nd Period

Viktor sat down in his seat for second-period class and waited, just for Reece. Eventually, he walked in. Unfortunately, Ella sat in the seat behind Reece's, making it quite awkward for all of them. Reece sat down in the seat directly next to Viktor.
"Sei bella oggi, amore," Viktor said.
Reece looked at Viktor and smiled. "Grazie. Sei sexy, Victor."
"Did you just say Viktor looked... sexy, Reece?" Ella interrupted. Both Reece and Viktor nodded.
"You have a problem with that?"
"You're straight though, Reece..." Reece began to get nervous again. "Reece, you always seemed interested in girls after Kyle... at least I think so."
"I like being friends with girls, Ella. I'm definitely not interested in them that way though..." Thankfully, for the sake of Reece's emotions, the teacher began his lesson.

lunch period

Viktor and Reece walked into the cafeteria and sat down together, alone.
"I don't think you're sexy at all, Viktor," Reece announced, giggling. Viktor huffed.
"So rude. How could you not?"
"You are nowhere near my type, boy."
"Oh shush, I know you think I'm hot! And anyways, I meet the standards on your list, Reece."
"N-No..." Reece mumbled. Yes. He thought. "So what're you doing tomorrow? It's the weekend, and spring break." Viktor grinned.
"Nothing, I don't think. Why? Do you want to go on a date?" Reece laughed sarcastically.
"Ew. Never in a million years. I was just asking. I have to work anyway."
"You... work?"
"Yeah. I just turned sixteen a couple months ago. And with me being a sophomore and all now... I need a car. I passed my test, but I have no car." Reece explained.
"Ahh. I see. I'm 17. How long have you been working?"
"Four months. At the coffee shop down the road."
"Well, I might just have to stop by then."
"Ohh God no."
"Oh God yes." Viktor laughed. "I used to have a job. I need one here."
"You better not visit."

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