chapter four

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Thursday, April 10th | 7:15 a.m.

Reece woke up and rolled over, yet he didn't feel the usual muscular arm close to his side. He didn't think much of it, figuring Viktor was already up and downstairs.
    Reece got up and got ready, then went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He walked downstairs to the kitchen, but there was no sign of Viktor.
"Hey, dad? Have you seen my boyfriend this morning?" Reece's dad shook his head.
"No, why?"
"He's, um, gone," Reece mumbled.
"Maybe he left early, do you think so?"
"It's possible, but Viktor wouldn't leave without telling me first."
"Well, just see if he's at school or not, okay? Don't overstress yourself." Reece nodded. Reece went back upstairs and grabbed his phone from his nightstand, then came back down. Reece decided to text Viktor, to see if he would reply.

(7:28 a.m.) Reece: Baby, where are you?
(7:29 a.m.) Reece: Viktor, this better be some kind of trick.
(7:31 a.m.) Reece: I hope you're at school, I'm nervous.

Reece sighed and grabbed his backpack.
"Bye mom, dad." He said, walking out.

at school | first period

Reece sat down for the first period. Viktor wasn't there. And of all people, Ella wasn't there. Which was odd for Ella. She never missed a single day of school. If this is it, if I never see you again Viktor, I hope you know, I love you. Reece thought. And then, the worst of the worst came to Reece's mind: Both Ella and Viktor are missing, What if he's cheating on me? What if he's been faking it this whole time and he actually wanted her from the beginning?
"Hey, are you okay?" A voice asked from in front of him. It was a girl from his class, Isabella.
"Yeah, why?"
"You looked down, sorry to disturb you."
"It's... fine. I'm fine. Thanks, though." Isabella smiled and walked away, and Reece continued thinking.

at home

"Did you see Viktor?" Reece's mom asked when he walked in.
"No... and Ella is missing too."
"That's odd. I called Viktor's mom too, she said he isn't at home. Just try and stay calm, okay?"
"Calm? Are you kidding? My boyfriend is missing and I have no clue where he could possibly be. Not to mention that my trust issues are telling me that he's probably cheating on me..."
"Reece, I know how worried you are. But I promise, Viktor isn't cheating on y-" Reece's mom's phone rang. "Kelly Andrews..." she answered the call, putting it on speaker.
"Yes, Kelly?"
"I came home from work this afternoon, and Kyle was unconscious. Does Reece know anything about it?"
Kyle's mom was sobbing. Reece didn't know how to feel. His mom looked at him. He shook his head.
"No, Reece was at school all day, and I saw him leave and come back."
"Okay... well, could you please call if you hear anything?"
"Of course..." Reece's mom said and hung up. "You don't know anything, do you?"
"No... I don't."
"You haven't even seen him in months have you?"
"Well yeah, until yesterday at the shop, but he was alive then, sadly." She let out a giggle. She hated Kyle just as much as Reece did.
"Reece, turn around." His mom said. Reece slowly turned around.
    Reece began to tear up. He ran over and hugged Viktor.
"You weren't cheating on me, were you?"
"Never in a million years, sweetheart."
"Where did you go? I was scared to death, you dumbhead!"
"Let's go to your room, Reece. I'll tell you there." The two walked up to Reece's room, and Viktor sat down on the bed, pulling Reece on top of him. "Baby, you've gotta promise you won't hate me after this."
"I wouldn't hate you ever."
"Good, because I, um, possibly fought your ex." Reece's mouth dropped.
"You mean Kyle? You really did?" Viktor nodded and took off his shirt. His entire torso seemed to be covered in scratches and dark bruises. "I... was terrified of him. I don't know if you could tell but he's um, abusive." Reece told Viktor.
"Long story short... he somehow found my Instagram and contacted me, saying all this shit about how I better give you back to him or he'd take you back himself, and he decided he wanted to fight it out." Viktor put his shirt back on.
"I never thought you could be so violent, honestly."
"When it comes to you, baby, I'd do the absolute worst to protect you." Viktor replied, kissing Reece's forehead.
"If you're gonna fight my ex and end up like that, could you please at least get a shower afterward? You look atrocious." Reece laughed.
"Fine. I'll shower. But only if you sit in there and keep me company." Reece shrugged and walked to the bathroom with Viktor, and Reece sat down on the counter. Viktor began to take his shirt off, but Reece stopped him.
"You're taking your clothes off in the shower, sorry." Viktor laughed, and got in the shower, then handed his clothes out to Reece. "Why do you have to smell so nice?"
"Why do you always feel so nice?" Viktor replied. A question Reece would've cringed at just days ago.
"You better be washing your hair, boyfriend."
"I hear you, baby." Viktor giggled. "Has anyone ever told you that your anger is very disproportionate to your size?"
"No one has been stupid enough to say it to my face, until now, that is." Reece sighed. "Viktor, can you please promise that you won't ever yell at me in a mean way? Because I'll cry and... it'll be awkward."
"Yell at you? Are you silly?"
"I just had to say it."
"You ever thought about what you would name your kids?" Viktor asked randomly.
"Not really, I don't think I'd be a good dad" Reece replied.
"Why would you think that?"
"I'm not sure, it's just not really something I think Id be good at."
"Who knows, maybe you'd be an amazing dad!" Reece slipped off the counter and walked out of the bathroom. He went over to the bed and grabbed Viktor's phone. Out of curiosity, he went to his contacts and saw a person named "My Husband". Reece dropped the phone. Suddenly, Viktor walked out.
"Viktor Thomas..."
"Yes, amore?" Reece stood up.
"Who's your husband, Viktor?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why do you have a contact named "My Husband"?"
"Baby... you're my husband, or you're gonna be eventually, at least," Viktor said, softly.
"You... are you actually serious? You wanna marry me someday?"
"I want to marry you and spend my entire life with you." Viktor put his hand on Reece's shoulder. "I need to tell you something, Reece."
"Oh god..."
"Reece Mackenzie, I knew about you for 15 months before we met. Our moms met over social media and they became friends. Shortly after... I found out about you. My mom showed me a picture of you and I almost instantly fell in love with you. She's told me so much about you, and I know lots more than you think, love. That's why I moved here. For you, Reece." Reece was speechless. He hugged Viktor tightly.
"Suddenly, I... love you way more than I ever have." Reece whispered.
"You didn't have a clue, did you?" Reece shook his head.
"I guess that explains why my dad was so willing to pick you up that day... and why you moved to Fort Worth of all places." Viktor laughed and kissed Reece's forehead. Reece began to think about Viktor and everything he liked about him. How cute he was, his sweetness, his laugh, how he would do anything and everything for him.
"I just realized I'm hugging you while you're shirtless, eww." Viktor slightly tightened his grip around Reece's waist, making it impossible for him to escape. "Let me go!"
"No, you're fine." Suddenly, Viktor's parents opened the door. Viktor kept a hold of Reece and smiled. "Hey, what's up?"
"Just coming to see you. What... is happening?" Viktor's dad replied.
"Well, I'm—"
"Holding me hostage!" Reece exclaimed.
"I am not. I'm trying to love you, my little firecracker."
"Anyway... Viktor, your sister is home." Viktor's mom announced. Viktor looked behind his parents, and saw his sister. He let go of Reece and ran over to his sister and hugged her.
"Viktor, hi! Is that Reece?" Viktor nodded. "Oh my gosh! He is the most precious thing ever!"
"Isn't he? Hey mama, we should all go to dinner!"
"Sure. We'll go talk to Reece's parents." Viktor's mom said. Both of Viktor's parents and his sister walked downstairs. Viktor walked over to Reece's dresser and grabbed his shirt that Reece wore all the time.
"I'm gonna wear this, is that okay?" He asked Reece.
"No! Mine!"
"But it'll smell like me after I wear it, Reece."
"Oh, then please wear it. Put it on and leave." Viktor laughed and put his shirt on, then walked out of the room. Reece went over to the dresser and pulled out a crop top, jeans, fishnet sleeves, and converses. He first put on the fishnet sleeves, then his crop top, followed by his pants and converses. Reece then added a necklace, and walked downstairs. When Viktor saw him, he almost choked on the water he had been drinking.
"Reece... hello there. You look... very nice." Viktor stammered.
"I think you just broke Viktor, Reece." Lilly told Reece.
"That's what he gets..." Reece smiled.
"Let's go. We're taking the Suburban." Viktor's mom said. The seven of them walked out and got into the car, with Viktor, Reece, and Lillian in the back row.
"Viktor I—"
"Reece, why did you decide to wear that in public?"
"I only wore it because I knew what it would do to you. Why? Am I not allowed to?"
"How am I gonna keep myself from kissing you every five seconds? And also, you can wear whatever you want. I don't care."
"Don't worry, I can punch you everytime you try to kiss me, if you want."

after dinner | 6:30

The seven walked out of the restaurant and then stopped.
"Hey, we could go play laser tag." Viktor suggested.
"Sure." Viktor's dad replied.
"I get to shoot my boyfriend? Hell yeah!" Reece laughed as they all got into the car.
"How does Viktor treat you, Reece? Do you love him?"
"Loving him is... questionable some days. But most of the time yeah, I do love him. And he treats me better than I treat myself so..."
"Baby, baby, babyyyy." Viktor repeated.
"I swear to God I'm gonna beat y-"
"Shhh, I wanted to tell you how cute you are."
"See, this is why I question my life choices." Soon, they were at the laser tag place. They got out and went inside. After Viktor paid for the 10 minute game, they went into the room. It was completely black, except for the neon colors on the wall. Reece, Viktor, and Lillian all grabbed guns and vests.
"3, 2, 1, go!" The speaker announced. The three scattered around the room. Reece walked over and stood behind one wall, and stayed there for almost 4 minutes. He could hear the sounds of Lillian and Viktor's guns. Reece stood still where he was. Then, he heard footsteps coming towards him. He saw a figure in front of him, and unexpectedly, he was pushed up against the wall and kissed. Viktor.
"The Lannisters send their regards, amore." He pulled away, then shot Reece's vest. Reece was speechless once again. Viktor walked away, and Reece began to quietly follow him. Viktor continued, not noticing a thing, to the opposite side of the room. Reece then jumped onto Viktor's back.
"You're such an idiot, Viktor!" He said, giggling.
"Shush, baby!"
"You guys suck at being quiet!" Lillian exclaimed from around the corner.
"Yeah, Viktor." Reece got down and shot Viktor's vest several times.

at reece's house | 7:20

"I think I'm gonna go to Ella's house." Reece told Viktor.
"To see her. Talk to her."
"But. Reece, isn't she homophobic?"
"I mean, maybe, but that's why I'd like to talk to her."
"Reece, that's not a good idea. Why don't you just stay home?"
"I'm going." Reece said, grabbing his backpack and beginning to throw clothes into it.
"Baby, please."
"I'm going whether you like it or not, Viktor." Reece told Viktor, rushing out the door, leaving Viktor in his room, alone.

the italian boys secretDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora