Part 6: Night of Dejection and Yearning

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 It was a cold dark night and the streets of Kabuki Cho were mostly empty except for a few passerby's here and there. Gintoki was alone at home, seeking warmth in the thick covers of the blankets lying on the couch. He had been lying there for god knows how long he couldn't even remember. Maybe since Kagura and Shinpachi had left to sleep at Otae-san's place and he was glad to be home alone- Finally some peace and quiet with the kids gone. He wanted to lay out the futon and go to bed early but it was such a pain to get up from under the warm covers and the warm cushion that he had spent so much effort in warming up with his body heat. So, he just lay there absolutely still as if waiting for something to happen which he knew never would. He's thoughts wandered about seeking a different kind of warmth right now and he blush began to form on his face which he suddenly covered with his pillow.

"What am I thinking? This is not good. As soon as the kids are gone and I'm all alone by myself, this is the first thing that comes to mind"

"No, no, I won't let myself be controlled by such thoughts but a one night in bed with that hot piece of shinsengumi vice-commander would be rather nice huh?"

"No, no wtf am I thinking?? I need to stop thinking these thoughts. Besides that bastard would never agree to go to bed with me anyway but damn! Is he sexy or what? Just why can't I have him?"

"Damn! Why can't I ever have the things I want? But no, it's not like I want him right? I can just go to a red-light district and do any woman if I want. Yeah, maybe I should just do that! But no, I don't have any money"

"But it's not like I only want that guy right? Anyone will do, but then why do I keep thinking about him? There must be something wrong with me. I better go to sleep and surely my thoughts will clear up by tomorrow. The weather's just messing with my thoughts and making me think weird things"

"Ahh but I really want him, that guy's so fine even if I do say so myself. Huh!?! What!?! No way!! STOP! STOP!! Someone please stop these thoughts. These thoughts are no good for me. Sleep, sleep. I'll just sleep"


"Ding Dong"

"Ding dong"

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong........"

Gintoki (to himself): WTF!?!

Who's ringing the bell this late at night?

Getting up whilst still covered in blankets and walking towards the door while mumbling under his breath as he opens the door.

"What do you want? It's already past midnight, you bastard!"

Standing in front of the door is a man completely drenched. Gintoki quickly recognizes the familiar figure in the same familiar dark uniform with a cigarette dangling from his pale lips. Speak of the devil......

"Hijikata-kun!?!" he gasps with eyes opening wide

"Wait, you!?! Ehhhh!?! What are you doing here so late at night?"

Hijikata(silently panting): Shhh!! Quiet down. What are you making such a racket over?

"But you!?! What happened to you??"

Hijikata: For some reason, I can't return to the barracks looking like this. Would you please give me something to dry myself with and I will be on my way steadily? Tomorrow, I'll pay you for your help.

Gintoki grabbed hold of Hijikata's arm and pulled him inside.

Hijikata: Oi, let go! What are you doing Yorozuya!?!

Gintoki: First, come inside you fool! You look like your about to drop dead any second now.

Hijikata hesitantly follows Gintoki inside. Gintoki heats up some water and throws a towel in Hijikata's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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