Part 2 : His Heart

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Hijikata and Okita had just returned to head quarters from a battle and their adrenaline was still pumping very fast. Okita was  mad at Hijikata but he quietly followed Hijikata to his room for now.

Once they arrived in Hiji's room, Okita kneed Hijikata in the gut with all his might. A very powerful attack indeed, knocking the wind out of Hijikata, who stumbled to the ground trying to catch his breath. He clutched his stomach, "Sogooo!!! cough – cough – you basta- cough-cough -what'd you do that for?" However, Okita just stared at him with those dead scary eyes. Hijikata's heavy panting only further served to excite him.

Being the sadist that he was, he wanted to hurt Hijikata, he wanted to hurt him so bad, but he always feared going too far as to being intimate with him... but right now even he could not tell what got over him, as he kept further backing up Hijikata till Hijikata stumbled on to the futon and fell over. Okita fell atop him. Okita could slightly feel himself move up and down to the rhythm of Hijikata's heavy panting's. Hijikata was too shocked to say anything, perhaps even paralyzed by surprise or fear, even he couldn't tell which at this point. His mind had gone almost blank as he stared into Okita's crimson red eyes. Then as Okita stared back into Hijikata's deep metal blue eyes, he felt himself plunge into a deep sensual trance. He tried to adjust himself better on top of Hijikata's body and as his right arm moved over on to the left side of Hijikata's chest, he suddenly felt it. The strong beating of Hijikata's heart, it was thumping so madly, that Okita just for a second, instinctively rested his head on Hijikata's chest almost in an attempt to confirm that, that thing hitting so hard against his chest was indeed his heart itself. Once he was sure, that the pumping machine hitting so hard was Hijikata's heart, a small grin appeared across his face. For, years he had thought that there was no way a heart would exist inside this bastard's body. He was so sure, that only a dark void existed inside his chest. But now, he himself had confirmed the beating of Hijikata's heart. He was a human after all he wondered? Okita had mixed feelings about this discovery. One part of him wanted to tear open the bastard's chest and rip apart his beating heart while blood still oozed from his hand. However, the other part of him wanted to preserve the beatings of this fragile heart as long as he could so that the heart would beat only for him and belong to him and him only henceforth. He could not decide which was it that he wanted so badly. With this thought still in his mind, Okita moved a step upwards towards Hijikata's neck and in a bitter rage bit down on it for all he's worth. Hijikata let out a slight moan before his voice died down. Okita was biting on his neck so hard, that soon he had gone numb from the intense pain of having teeth biting down on the soft delicate flesh of the neck area. Hijikata's eyes started tearing up from the intensity of the pain and he tried to push Okita away but he didn't have the heart for it. And even if he had, he soon found all strength leaving his arms and felt powerless against Okita's sheer force. The pain has soon rendered him numb to all sensations and he finally gave in. His mind was going blank anyway and so he just let Okita have his way. He's mind soon wandered into nothingness and his pupils dilated. Okita was still sinking his teeth in deeper when he suddenly noticed Hijikata's movements coming to an abrupt halt. He let go and took a sudden look at Hijikata's face. He was shocked to notice Hijikata's dilated pupil. He looked at his neck and realized that his deep bite had drawn out quite some blood and the area was turning a bit bluish. He panicked and quickly bent over and placed his head on Hijikata's chest and listened quietly. And there he heard the soft, slow, steady yet strong beats of his heart. He let out a sigh of relief.

 Somehow, he was thankful that this jerk was just resting and not dead. He felt his anger slowly fade out and turn into slight joy. He felt an odd fondness grow in him for this adorable fluff ball that lay underneath him so defenselessly. He thought he could kill him so easily right now if he wanted to but then suddenly reconsidered his idea when he recalled his panicky state not so long ago and the discovery of that passionate beating heart inside his chest that Okita found oddly alluring. He then looked at Hijikata, his resentful eyes quickly transforming into intimate ones and bent over and slowly kissed him on the lips. Hijikata would never know about his feelings and it was better this way, he thought slowly whispering: "Hijikata-san Daisuki!!" He then moved a bit down and licked the blood on his neck. He then took a wet, clean towel and placed it carefully on his neck. After that, he slowly adjusted Hijikata's head on the pillow and covered him with the blanket. Then Okita got up, switched off the lamp and walked out his room. "Sweet dreams Hijikata-san!!"

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