Chapter 10

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Y/n's pov: 

"what are you doing Hyunjin?" I ask him looking outside the window of this car, I haven't even finish my tasks

he didn't respond to my question instead he pull me closer to him making me startle for a bit and using his hands he guided my head slowly to rest on his chest

wh.what is he..doing? I couldn't help it but to blush because of his actions towards me right now, I can't look at him as well because we're so close to each other 

"you're tired right? let's go somewhere you can relax" he gently said to me patting my head, and I could tell that he's smiling without looking at him

" did you know?" I gulp still stuck and can't move a single inch of my body, I can smell him and he smell so expensive yet comforting

"I can see it in your eyes since you've been doing a lot of work recently" I take a deep breath after he said that, is he observing me? what if he saw something that might turn him off? 

what if? what??? 

I quickly covered my whole face using my hands because of embarrassment 

"what's wrong?" he look at me for a moment but I didn't remove my hands on my face

does he notice my big eyebags already? is that really serious that he feels he needed to get me out of school to save me from this shame I have on my face? 

no way please! I really need to take care of myself right now, this is so humiliating! 

"hey y/n" he tap my shoulder and I'm still hiding my face from him

"what is it?"-y/n

"I need to go at the drivers sit" I suddenly get out myself from resting my head on his chest and went on the sides still without looking at him, instead I'm looking down

I just heard him chuckle and went on the drivers sit, it looks like his driver went somewhere and left us alone

I still don't have any idea where we are going 

"you can sit beside me here infront if you feel like it" he ask as he start the engine of the car

" need hehe" -y/n

because of that he look at me but I still avoiding any contact with him

"are you sure? well..just take a rest at the back" he said then he started driving the car, a sigh of relief came out from me, I lean for a bit and rested my head

well maybe this isn't bad afterall? I should go with the flow and at least be grateful for this because this is a one life time opportunity

I can't help it but to look at Hyunjin who's currently driving right now, he looks so attractive even just doing that..I'm really lucky, and I'm thankful for myself to initiating confession to him, but afterall it was all of my friends pushy side 

after a few more minutes it seems like we're already at the place where Hyunjin wanted to be in, then he open the door for me and I just said my thanks 

I look around and I could feel the wind on my skin, it's like we're on a hill without people just surrounded by trees and grass 

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