Let It Grow, Let It Grow Mama's Plant in "A Raisin in the Sun"

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Throughout the play A Raisin in the Sun the character Mama's plant is mentioned several times. Why is Mama's plant so important and what does it symbolize? Mama's plant symbolizes a dream that has not yet been achieved. Mama's plant is first mentioned on page 39: "She crosses through the room, goes to the window, opens it, and brings in a feeble little plant growing doggedly in a small pot on the windowsill. She feels the dirt and puts it back out." A few pages later Mama mentions to Ruth how her and her husband Walter had a house picked out to live in. "But Lord, child, you should know all the dreams I had 'bout buying that house and fixing it up and making me a little garden in the back- And didn't none of it happen." (page 45). Mama says that she wanted a garden but never ended up getting to have one. This is why Mama has the little plant. The plant represents how she could never have a garden but always wanted one. Having a small plant is the closest thing she can get to having her dream of owning a garden.

Later on in the play the idea of the plant serving as a surrogate for the garden she never had is further cemented. Mama says on page 52 "(Looking at her plant and sprinkling a little water on it) They spirited all right, my children. Got to admit they got spirit- Bennie and Walter. Like this little old plant that ain't never had enough sunshine or nothing and look at it..." Ruth responds "You... sure... loves that little old thing, don't you?..." Mama answers "Well, I always wanted me a garden like I used to see sometimes at the back of the houses down home. This plant is close as I ever got to having one." (page 53). Mama again states that she always wanted to have a garden of her own but never ended up getting to have one; the plant is the closest thing she can have.

Mama's plant represents a dream deferred because her dream of having a garden never came true. Although the plant is small and doesn't get enough sunlight it still keeps growing which represents how even under the tough circumstances it continues living; which is similar to Mama. Mama has dealt with a lot of hard things in life from leaving the south, losing a baby, and her dreams not coming true, but even despite all the hardships Mama has had to face she continues on with her life. Mama left the south and came to Chicago in hopes of a better life. Mama and Walter were never able to buy the house they dreamed of and lost a baby. Mama then also loses her husband Walter. Which also impacts her dreams because she has lost the person that she was trying to achieve them with. Even though Mama's plant doesn't have the best environment it still flourishes; Mama is like the plant because even though she hasn't been nourished with the proper material, resources, and help to accomplish her dreams she contiunes living to the best of her ability with what she has available. Even though Mama's dreams are deferred she still dreams which is again similar to how her plant continues growing despite the conditions. The plant also symbolizes Mama's children Walter and Beneatha because like Mama and the plant Walter and Beneatha have not been given the best environment but despite the tough conditions they too continue living.

In conclusion Mama's plant represents a dream that has been postponed. Mama wanted to have a garden but never got one. She uses the little plant as a surrogate for the garden. The plant also symbolizes Mama and her children Walter and Beneatha because despite not having a proper environment Mama, Walter, and Beneatha continue living and the plant continues growing.

Let It Grow, Let It Grow, Mama's Plant in "A Raisin in the Sun"Where stories live. Discover now