Chapter 74: That Bitch

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Rejection stung more sharply today than usual, especially after the awkward encounter with Nate, and the dismissal from Juliette. As the evening rolls around, Serena, Blair, and I had planned to meet for dinner at my place. However, they're now thirty minutes late. Sitting on my bed, I wonder where they might be. I haven't seen them since leaving the Hamilton House, and I can't shake the thought that they might still be there.

With a sigh, I reach for my phone and dial Blair's number, hoping for an explanation.

"Hey, how far are you? I'm starving," I say, the hunger in my voice masked by a thin layer of frustration.

"I am so sorry, C. We totally lost track of time..." Blair's apologetic voice filters through the line, causing a knot to form in my stomach. "Hold on one second..." Her voice trails off, mingling with distant chatter.

"Where are you?" I press, my tone edged with concern.

"Ah, I'm just... walking into my building," Blair replies, but her words ring hollow, betraying her lie. "The doormen are hopeless gossips," she adds with a forced chuckle. "Can we take a rain check, C? I'm feeling more like a bubble bath and bubbly tonight... Serena is heading home now too," she continues, the disappointment in her voice mirroring my own.

"I guess I'll just see you tomorrow..." I concede, a tinge of resignation coloring my words before I end the call with Blair.

Rolling my eyes, I feel the weight of loneliness settle in. I refuse to let myself dwell in this darkness for long, instead trying to distract myself with the familiar glow of my laptop screen. As I navigate to Gossip Girl's website, hoping for a momentary escape, the headline catches my eye, delivering a blow straight to my already bruised ego.

The video thumbnail is of Blair and Serena, wearing the exact same outfits as earlier, accompanied by Juliette. Posted just two minutes ago. My heart sinks as I read the caption, a sharp pang of hurt piercing through me.

Spotted: B and S holding court at Hamilton House. But the one question no one's asking: Where's their other BFF? Don't worry C, it's not your party, but you can cry if you want to.

XOXO Gossip Girl

"So much for a bubble bath, B," I mutter bitterly, my lips curling into a wry smile even as tears threaten to spill. Why does it feel like I've been transported back to high school, navigating the treacherous waters of friendship and betrayal?

We're adults now; we should know how to communicate better than this. Yet, Nate, Serena, and Blair are all avoiding me as if I'm contagious.

I wonder if that bitch Juliette has anything to do with it.



My heart raced as I approached Juliette, each step feeling like a marathon as I soaked in the sight of her. She looked stunning in that tight beige dress, every curve inviting and mesmerizing. When she spun around to greet me with that radiant smile, I felt a rush of warmth flood through me.

"Hey..." I greeted her, my voice betraying the mix of excitement and nervousness swirling inside me. I hoped she couldn't sense just how jittery I was feeling. But Juliette had a way of putting me at ease, even in moments like this.

"I was hoping I'd find you here," I confessed, trying to inject a hint of charm into my words. Her smile widened in response, and I felt a surge of relief. Maybe I wasn't making a complete fool of myself after all.

I couldn't deny the magnetic pull Juliette had on me. Despite my best efforts to keep my feelings in check, I found myself drawn to her more and more with each passing moment. I had been upfront with Callie about not seeing Juliette, but after Paris, everything changed. Juliette seemed to show more interest in me, and with Callie moving on, I felt like maybe it was time for me to do the same.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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