The Start of Hatred

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In the canvas of morning's gentle kiss,

Awakening dreams, sealed with bliss.

With each sunrise, a story anew

It begins, my love, with the magic of you

In shadows deep, my world did dwell,

A twilight realm, where stories tell

A darkness draped in silent strife

Until you entered, bringing life



Long ago, in the forest, where the sunlight shone on the peaceful nature. She lives there with her 3 siblings, she is the youngest of them. Because of this, she was often hidden and protected from the outside world, but that did not stop her curious and thrill-seeking nature, because it only fueled her determination to see what was beyond this forest.

Are there people besides her and her siblings? will there be monsters as one of her siblings said? or was it a beautiful landscape yet to be explored with her own eyes?


One day, she decided to go out of her house to the fields because she wanted to make flower crowns to show her appreciation to her beloved siblings. She danced gracefully into the fields as she hummed a random tune that echoed through the peaceful forest.

Arriving at her destination, she sat down and began to pick flowers and weave them into a beautiful wreath. A quiet smile graced her lips, content and undisturbed.

After a while, the sun begins to set and she decides that making four flower crowns is enough. She calmly walked down the path leading to her home, but a bad premonition gripped her heart as she gazed at the bloody path. She hurried her steps towards her home and entered almost stumbling but she did not care and fell to her knees in extreme grief at the terror, fear, and pain of what she saw.

Seeing her only family being killed before her eyes, tears fell like a waterfall before she screamed and cried hysterically. She staggered over to each of her siblings, trying to shake them one by one, hoping they would wake up and tell her it was just a cruel joke, but alas... It wasn't, and this was her reality now.

In the corner of her room, she noticed a crest shining in the sunlight. She carefully placed her now deceased older brother on the floor and picked up the crest, anger filling her chest as she recognized it as this belonged to a family within this land. Sadness, anger, and the thirst to avenge her family strengthened her decision to leave this forest and go out for the first time with everything she needed. Oh, how she wished her reason for traveling was different, but if she wanted the souls of her siblings who were unjustly killed to rest in peace, she had no choice but to bring justice for them.

As she buried her siblings in their favorite place where she and her siblings used to hang out when they were still alive. She then put a flower on each one of their graves and prayed for them, after that, she turned away and went alone on a very dark journey...

SUNRISES BEGIN WITH YOU (Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now