Chapter 3: 6 years later

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6 years later

Vanessa and pearlshine were now 12 and in middle school. Pearlshine already had her pin mark but Vanessa didn't. The two girls ran down the hallways and giggled. "Can you believe it vanessa! We are in the seventh grade"said pearlshine

"I know right. And we are still besties!"said vanessa with a giggle

Then tulip, moon stone, and sea shell walked in. "Look its the idiots"said moon stone

"And look at that vanessa doesn't even have her pin mark yet. What a baby"said tulip

"So lame"said sea shell

The three girls began picking on vanessa. Pearlshine didn't know what to do. She grabbed Vanessa arm and walked away with her. "They are the idiots. Don't worry about not having you pink mark vanessa. That doesn't make you any different from the rest of us"said pearlshine

"Pearl we are in the seventh grade. Everyone has their pin mark. I don't! Im such a baby"said vanessa

"No your not"said pearlshine

"Yes I am. I have no pin mark. How can people like me if I don't have it. Am I not good at anything"said vanessa

"Your really good at protecting others. Maybe if you do some police work you will get your pin mark"said pearlshine

"But pearl I am to young. Besides scan is the one with the police pin mark. He was born to obey and direct the law"said vanessa

"Well I know you have a good heart. Maybe it has something to do with your kindness"said pearlshine

"Its no use"said vanessa sadly

Pearl hugged her friend and shook her a bit. "Oh my poor vanessa you are so depressing at times. Come on smile. Dadada"said pearlshine

Vanessa giggled as she knew what song pearlshine was about to sing. Pearl shine started signing and dancing. Vanessa giggled at her friends goofiness. "Okay stop pearl your emberassing yourself infront of everyone"giggled vanessa

"There is nothing bad with laughing at yourself from time to time"said pearlshine still dancing

Vanessa playfully rolled her eyes and giggled. "Im not stopping till you dance and sing along"said pearlshine

Everyone started watching them. Vanessa giggled and then joined her goofy friend in the dance. "Bwara Mr.simple simple. Geudaeneun Geudaeneun geudaero meotiyeo"sang vanessa and pearlshine

Then vanessa fell and pearl stopped dancing. "Hahahahah"laughed sea shell and moon stone

Tulip pushed vanessa. Vanessa sat up and let her hair fall and hide her face. Everyone laughed. Pearl just watched as they all laughed at vanessa. The bell rang and everyone walked to their class. Pearl walked to Vanessa and helped her up. "Lets go"said pearl

Vanessa nodded and stood up. She walked with pearl to their class.

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