Chapter Four

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I paced the room, replaying what just happened. I cried a little too.

Maybe my hopes were too high. Maybe it was silly thinking he'd welcome me with open arms.


He hurt my mother. Why would he care about me?

I took a deep breath in. I came here to get answers. To learn about my animalistic side and go home.

And to find my mate...

If he's here─which I doubt. I paced around even more. Thinking and planning what to do.

Tomorrow I'd train. If my father won't train me then I'm sure Stella would train me. I reached for the door handle until I remembered I needed to shower.

I sighed and checked the wardrobe. A walk-in wardrobe. I gasped. There were so many beautiful things to wear.

I found kakki pants and a white shirt to go with it. Then boots. The boots looked like takkies and almost like military boots. I liked it.

Going into the bathroom, I showered and then got dressed.

It was night already. In the human world it should still be afternoon.

Timelines. I thought.

A knock occurred on my door. "Come in."

Stella walked in. "Dinner is ready." She says.

"I'm starving." I blurt with a laugh. She smiled.

"Come on, let's go then. I'm starving too." I smiled back at her and followed.

She led me to the dinning room. It was large. Not many people sat there though. The people I recognized were Damon, and my father who sat at the head of the table. All eyes were now on me.

On the side of the table by my father, Damon sat and next to Damon was another man. He had messy hair and green eyes. Almost like Stella's. And opposite Damon was another man who looked not too old from my father. A lady sat next to that man and two boys sat─twins─they looked about my age.

Next to the guy with green eyes, Stella sat. She gestured for me to sit next to her. I licked my lips and sat next to her. My father stared at me like a hawk, so I stared at him back until he shifted his gaze to the food.


I'm so glad I ate steak. I only started eating it recently. Before I couldn't stand it.

"Kira, right?" The guy who sat across Damon spoke. "Kira Argent." I nodded and gave a slight smile as I began to cut the steak in front of me.

Stella interjected. "Let me introduce you." She gestured to the guy with green eyes. "This is my mate. Chris." Then gestured to the other guy and who I assumed was his mate and sons. "This is Jackson, the Beta, and his mate, Jenifer, and his sons, Alex and Austin." Alex had straight hair and Austin had curly hair. Easy way to recognize them.

I smiled at each and every one of them. They returned smiles back to me. Damon seemed happy even though he's already met me earlier. My father was the only one with a stuck up face.

The silence grew as everyone ate. Damon broke the silence five minutes later.

"So, Kira, how is... My sister?"

"She's doing great." I smile back, fighting the tears.

"Is it just the two of you?" Jackson asks.

"Yes. She's an event planner and they pay really good. She managed to raise me easily. She's always been there for me." I looked down at my food. "Including today before I... ran away."

"Ran away?" Stella nearly chokes. "You ran away?"

"She caught me mingling in the woods by the portal, but I went back there any way." I sighed.

"What were you doing in the woods anyway?" Jenifer asks.

"My friends took me there. My mother forbid me from going there ever since I was a child. Today I just broke the rules."

Stella frowned. "Your friends? Was it a special occasion or something?" She sipped on her water.

I nod and thin my lips. "It was my birthday." I whisper, but everyone still heard me.

Then she choked on her water.

"Stella." My father warned.

"Dad, I'm fine."

"Happy birthday." Damon wished me and soon everyone did. And then they stared at my father. My damn stuck up father.

"Happy birthday, Kira." He said sternly.

My heart skipped a beat. He actually wished me.

"Thank you." I say.

"I'm sure tomorrow you'll be on your way home." He says before stuffing another piece of steak in his mouth.

"Dad." Stella narrowed her eyes. "She can stay as long as she likes."

He turned to me. "What was the reason you decided to come here?"

"I... I was drawn to this place. My wolf nagged me to come here. I thought maybe I'd learn more about my wolf side."

"Do you know how to shift?" He asks all of a sudden.


"Can you handle your temper?"


He narrowed his eyes. "Then there's nothing more you need to learn."

"Dad!" Stella stood up. "If you have a problem with her then she can stay at my place."

"Sit down, Maristela." She obliges quickly. Her mate rested his hand on her thigh. She seemed to calm down easily.

The more I see things like this, the more I yearn for my mate.

"She can stay here. As long as she doesn't interfere." My father says sternly to everyone.

That's when I decided to speak. "Will all due respect... Alpha... But if you have a problem with me, I can just leave. I don't want to be a nuisance to anyone."

He tensed. "You can leave whenever."

"And I will." I glare at him and he glares back at me. "My mother was right about you." I mumble.

I pushed my chair back and sat up to leave. My food was finished as well as Jackson's, Damon's and my father's.

He stood up. "What exactly did she say?"

I turned to him. "She said you broke her heart." He tensed even more. We stared at each other for about a minute until he decided to look away and excuse himself.

I excused myself and went to my bedroom as well.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on my door. "Kira." Stella calls. "I just wanted to check if you were okay before I leave."

I opened the door for her. "I'm fine." I smiled.

"Okay. I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything you can ask Jenifer. I don't stay here and neither does Damon but we visit often. I'll be here tomorrow, I promise."

Great now she's leaving me with my father.

"Can't I come with you?"

"I'm sorry. Dad said no."

"But he hates me."

"He doesn't. It's a long story. And about what you told him earlier. I think your mother missed out the main story of what really happened."

I raised my eyebrows.

"I'll tell you everything tomorrow, okay. Rest. Have a good night." She smiled and walked away. I shut the door slowly.

I processed the new information. She missed a part out? What's that supposed to mean?

A million things raced into my mind. What if my mother lied? Or what if she kept a part of the story a secret.

That must have been one really big secret to keep for eighteen years.

Tied To The Alpha [EDITING] (#2 New Moon) Where stories live. Discover now