Chapter Nine

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"The Alpha." My face fell and I collapsed onto the dirty, wet ground.

Another man entered, a dark expression cast on his face. He was small built unlike the rest.

His dirty blonde hair was tied into a half bun at the back of his head with a few loose strands hanging on the right side of his face, trailing down to his jawline. His eyes were blue, almost like the ocean. I could easily get lost in the abyss of the waves. And just like the sea, his eyes told a painful story like the waves creating a tsunami. The scar on his left cheek can account for that.

His hands were in his pants pocket and he remained silent as he watched me suffer. Our eyes locked on each other's for several seconds until the guard pulled me by the collar of the shirt. The shirt lifted, reavealing a bit of my bottom.

Once we were in front of the Alpha, the guard released my collar and grabbed my wet hair. He yanked my head back, making me stare straight into the Alpha's ocean eyes again.

"This is the outsider. Apparently, she's Zade's daughter." The guard smirk was plastered onto his face. I felt like smacking it out. I would have, if it weren't for the Alpha's eyes on me.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

The word was chanted in my mind. It didn't take a genuis to know that the Alpha standing in front of me was my mate and the one and only Alpha Lucien Grey─my father's number one enemy.

My heart stilled when he didn't say anything. He just stared like he didn't care about what happened to me, nor about another man touching me. I felt a sting of pain in my chest.

Was this what rejection felt like? Was this what my mother went through?

What did I expect?

That he'd come to me and save me?

I'm his nemesis' daughter. He wouldn't care about me. All I am to him is leverage against my father─my enemy.

No─scratch that. He wouldn't even care if I was shipped off to somewhere.

All my hopes and dreams were shattered right then and there. Everything I longed for was not meant for me. And now I had to live through the pain my curiosity caused me.

If I even live.

"What do you want me to do with this bitch?" The guard asked. I pulled my gaze away from the Alpha and looked around at the other guards tensing around us. Then I fixed my gaze on the ground, overwhelmed by shame and rejection.

The guard yanked my head back up. I yelped when the pain pierced through my skull once again. He waited for the Alpha's command. I was this close to smacking the guard. He pulled my hair harder, the back of my head stung even more from both the pain of him pulling my hair and the pain from when I hit my head.

The Alpha had his hands in his pockets the entire time, standing still and watching me as if he's enjoying the sight of his mate getting hurt. The thought alone disgusted me.

I tried to pull away from the guard but he yanked my head back again, harder than ever. I was surprised that my neck didn't snap yet with the way he kept yanking my head back every time.

The Alpha slowly stalked toward us. Toward me. Like a predator ready to pounce on his prey. His vulnerable, weak little prey.

He stood in front of me and the guard. He was silent, not uttering a word since he arrived. His expression never changed from before either. It remained with an uninterested look.

He pulled his left hand out from his pocket, flexing it until he grabbed the guards throat, lifting him up. I gasped and pulled away as the guard's grip loosened on my hair.

Alpha Lucien was smaller than the guard yet he lifted him with one hand, as if he weighed nothing.

I backed away until I stood in the cell, hiding behind the steel bars. I shivered from the cold. My shirt and body was still soaked with the icey water that bastard threw on me.

His grip tightened around the guards throat, squeezing and digging his claws in it, until the guard started wheezing and choked on his own blood. In a few seconds, he was still. I covered my mouth, suppressing my cries even though tears flowed down my cheeks like a stream.

The Alpha released the dead guard's throat, leaving him to fall to the ground. The Alpha bent down and wiped his bloody hand on the guard's shirt like it's a towel.

I trembled when he put his hand back into his pocket and stared at me. Everything replayed in my mind. It was... I couldn't find any word to describe it.

A deep, dark, almost husky voice pulled me back to reality. "Anyone else wants to bad mouth or hurt my mate?" He asked the other guards.

My chest heaved at his words. Everything felt like a dream. It couldn't be real. Did the Alpha actually kill the guard because he hurt me?

My eyes widened when I realized why the Alpha targeted my father's pack. He said Alpha Lucien was searching for something. But it wasn't a something, it was someone. Me.

The other guards remained silent. Some trembled and tried not to show it. "No, Alpha." One of them said, firmly.

He jerked his head slightly to the guard's limp body. "Take him away."

I was automatically addicted to his voice. It was so sexy and persuading─if he used it for other reasons. Any girl would fall to their knees for him and I'm sure they already have.

The guard nodded and pulled the body away. Alpha Lucien turned to me again. He studied me from head to toe. I was filthy and half naked. What would he find in me?

He probably thought I was some filthy bitch. My hair and body was soaked with dirty water. My body was dirty from all the mud. I even smelled awful and desperately needed a shower. I doubt he'd even let me enter his pack house with filty state I'm in.

I held my breath as he stepped closer, consuming the space between us. He leaned in front of me and took a few strands of my wet hair in his hand─his right hand─and sniffed it.

"What do you wash your hair with?" He asked. His voice wasn't as scary as it was before. It was almost soft but still deep.

When I didn't answer he clarified. "The scent."

"S-strawberry." I reply in a whisper with a shudder.

He dropped my hair and put his hand back in his pocket. "You should get cleaned up." He said to me then turned around and walked out as if nothing happened.

I stared at him walking away blankly. A guard beside me waved his hand toward me, attracting my attention. "Go with him." He mouthed and gestured for me to go. He acted like he'll get killed next if I don't follow the Alpha. The other guards mouthed to go as well.

It was clear that all the guards were scared and didn't want to die next. I couldn't blame them.

I thinned my lips and followed the Alpha out. I caught up to him in no time. He didn't say anything as we walked. I wasn't a conversation starter either.

I walked behind him until we reached a huge, magnificent white mansion that I just knew was the pack house.

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