Part 4 - Cake

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The talk with his sister had gotten him a temporary solution. Give Ishan time and be patient she had said. Which was what he was doing anyway? But it felt good to be told he was doing the right thing.

He was unbothered by the endless teasing though. He had expected it while telling her about his predicament. Despite her digging, he had managed to not tell her all the crazy details about the night (obviously, he has some laaj-sharam ok?).

Later he suspected she didn't want to hear all the details because if she wanted to, she would've gotten it out of him. That made him feel stupid and this coming in a week where he had done a LOT of stupid things. Starting with offering the room keycard to a random lady for a threesome with his best friend. (Balks at the idea). The very thought made him want to kick himself or worse.

But luck had favored him, she had left, probably feeling thoroughly ignored after seeing Ishan and him making out without a pause. Thank god for very very big mercies. He briefly wondered if she had clicked a picture of them because that would be an entirely different can of worms but he hoped nothing of the sort had happened.


Last over of the match and they needed 21 runs. It wasn't the easiest of wickets to bat on and as always Zampa was in fine form. Having already taken 3 crucial wickets. Shubman was batting with Surya who was clean bowled on the first ball of the last over. Shubman stood stressed at the non-striker's end unable to do much. However, Ishan walked in calm, yet again moved to bat 5 down, looking supremely unbothered.

Shubman went to inform him of Zampa's pattern and field placements, they fist bumped as he wished him luck.

The first ball to Ishan led to a massive lbw appeal that lead the umpire to put his finger up. Out! Ishan checked with Shubman if he should appeal who frantically nodded a yes.

The decisions were reversed, Shubman smiled, somehow that gave him the confidence that they were going to make it. He smiled encouragingly at Ishan who was looking at him.

The next ball Ishan had hit a massive 102 m six.

15 runs 3 balls to go.

As Shubman fist bumped him, "you can do it baby", he said quietly into Ishan's ears. Ishan nodded.

Next shot looked like the fielder on the boundary would catch it but it went past him for another 6.

9 runs 2 balls.

Zampa had bowled a bouncer, probably not entirely intentional but Ishan ducked, it went over his head racing off to the boundary but there was a fielder chasing it. Ishan and Shubman ran, they had to get at least 3. They could manage only a two. But then there was a misjudged overthrow from the fielder; and Ishan and Shubman had taken off again without calling, without looking, just on implicit understanding. They managed to run four.

1 ball. 5 runs needed to win.

They met in the middle of the pitch once again. Bumping fists. Shubman could see the crack in Ishan's composure at the pressure of having to hit a six or be responsible for a last ball loss. "You were made for such moments meri jaan. Show them who's the boss"

Ishan felt something swoop in the pit of his stomach. The anxiousness of what needs to be done was calmed down by Shubman's words. Ishan could see his belief in him. He trusted Shubman with his entire being. He walked back with resolve.

"And it's Ishan Kishan.. another wicketkeeper batsman who finishes off in style with a last ball six.. an innings oddly reminiscent of a legend who held similar credentials"

The crowds were going crazy as the adrenaline of the moment had washed over the stadium. Commentators who were making disparaging remarks about Ishan a few months back were waxing poetic about him.

Ishan looked ecstatic and ran towards Shubman who was running towards looking happier than Ishan, if that was possible. Ishan jumped into Shubman's arms and locked his legs around him, who held him there before twirling around. A moment that would be etched in the annals of cricketing history along with the last ball 6.

They were soon surrounded by team mates who were all celebrating and cheering. Back in the dressing room, Ishan was the center of attention as everybody went a little crazy, laughing and dancing.

Shubman watched with the widest smile on his face, his heart bursting with joy and so much love for the man in the middle. As the night wore on and the party shifted to various rooms, Shubman quietly made way to their room. He knew Ishan would not tire easily tonight, his energy pumped by the adrenaline from the match.

Shubman ordered a slice of cake. Their customary celebration after a significant achievement by either of them. A single slice that they shared. It was a simple intimate celebration that had been theirs for years. Shubman was showered and ready for bed and so so tired. He had done a lot of running today for his hard fought 88. He sat on the couch so he wouldn't sleep off waiting for Ishan.

When Ishan returned it was in the wee hours of the morning, he was surprised to find the lights on and Shubman asleep in an awkward pose on the couch. He felt a twinge of guilt in his heart as he saw the slice of cake complete with 2 spoons lying untouched.

He made a quick decision, he was showered and ready for bed in a jiffy. Then, he gently shook Shubman awake. Shubman opened his eyes and smiled sweetly on seeing Ishan. It was so open and unguarded that Ishan's heart did multiple flips.

"Sorry I'm late"

"It's alright.." Shubman said quietly.

Ishan sat next to him taking the plate with the piece of cake in it and offered one of the spoons to Shubman who took it sleepily. They both cut a piece of the cake with their spoon, knocked spoons like it were champagne glasses and then interlinked their hands as if taking a love shot. They ate the cake smiling goofily at each other.

Ishan still remembered the first time they had done this. It was when Shubman had hit a century in one of the local matches during their under19 days. Ishan had brought him a single slice of cake from a tiny bakery outside the stadium. The tradition had persisted with Shubman buying one for when Ishan had gotten a "man of the match" trophy. It had evolved over the years with the love shot (directly copied from a movie they had seen).

How could so many of his best memories of his growing up years be with this one person. Especially when he had always been surrounded by so many people over the years.

Shubman had laid his head tilted to the side, on the back of the couch. He stared at Ishan, who put his head next to him looking back. It was Ishan's favorite place to be. Their own little bubble, their private celebration. Nobody could ever take the place they've for each other in their hearts. Which is also why he was so scared of everything that happened between them. What if it changed everything and they lost this precious bond they shared.

Shubman placed his palm on Ishan's face. "I'm so proud of you, meri jaan".

Ishan's heart skipped a beat. He who called everybody and their cousin meri jaan couldn't handle it when it came from Shubman. It was too intimate, too real. They had stared at each other for a while before drifting off to sleep. Uncomfortably on a couch but at peace in each other's arms. A crick in the neck next morning was small price to pay for beating hearts. 

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