Part 9 - Love

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Shubman couldn't believe Ishan. After his burst of jealousy and a night of cuddling, he had gone back to not just ignoring Shubman, no sir, he had chosen to hide from him as well.

Shubman isn't a particularly impatient man. Years of cricket has taught him enough patience, however, this was making him upset.

He didn't mind the wait for Ishan to come to terms with the feelings they had for each other. He was even ready to understand if Ishan chose to stay just friends. However, Ishan had confessed to being jealous and had more or less agreed to take responsibility, Shubman's heart had swelled a hundred times in size. Excuse him if he had already made plans for the future. If not the future, at least for a future date with Ishan. Now, it felt like a knife to his heart to be ignored by Ishan, again.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he felt. He walked to the bus with his ear pods on. He didn't look at anyone, found an empty seat and sat near the window with his eyes closed. He could vaguely hear the commotion over the music, they seemed to be waiting for Ishan. Somebody was asking him about his whereabouts too. He ignored everything under the pretense that he was listening to music and couldn't hear a thing. Shortly, he felt someone run into the bus then eventually sitting next to him. It was Ishan of course, his eyes may be closed but all his senses were attuned to Ishan like he could pick out Ishan from a crowd with just his smell.

Shubman had kept his heart in check and kept his eyes closed. If Ishan found it hard to be in his presence then he was going to make it easy for him. When the bus stopped at the stadium, he couldn't help but sigh at Ishan who was fast asleep on his shoulder. He felt a pang in his chest as he thought of younger days when this was a constant sight. He looked so cute sleeping like that, completely unbothered by the world. He loved this boy so much it hurt.

"Are you gonna just keep staring or are you going to come practice?"

Shubman was shocked to see Shreyas who was smirking at him standing by their seat. Ishan had woken up startled and stared up at Shreyas looking confused.

Shreyas just ruffled his hair as he said "your boyfriend was just watching you sleep like a creep" and walked away nonchalantly.


Ishan turned to look at him but he was made of stronger stuff, he stood up avoiding eye contact with Ishan. Ishan moved aside as he walked away quietly. During practice, Shubman made a concerted effort to avoid going to where Ishan was. He chatted up Siraj and Kuldeep who were bowling to him in the nets.

To stay away from Ishan was very hard for him he was used to following him around like a lost puppy, but he persevered. Ugh he was so sure Ishan had magnetic powers that's especially designed to attract him. An hour more, then he could leave he told himself.

The minute practice was done, he quickly changed and left. He didn't take the bus back. He had a destination in mind and a plan. He was not going to sit around and sulk.. or worse.. cry.


Ishan had been overthinking, he wasn't going to lie. He had believed his jealousy was guided by his feelings for Shubman the whole night but then morning had brought contrary arguments. His brain had told him in no unclear terms that his jealousy was fueled by their deep and intense friendship. Sure some lines were crossed, some feelings existed but it wasn't the kind of love that Shubman wanted. Or was it? He wasn't entirely sure how he felt about it all. He had left early to do some serious contemplating.

As he sat absorbing the beauty of a rising Sun a realization dawned on him as well. He loved Shubman. He had the most fun with him. He loved their dinners (dates) together. He could spend every waking moment with him and not get bored

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