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Many looked stunned at the title

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Many looked stunned at the title.

The looked towards the demigods and satyr who tensed a bit, but ignored the looks given to them.

"A traitor!!?" Sirius gaped.

"Or traitors, Pads," James said it too.

Remus, Regulus and many others frowned at the title. They had figured it could've been Luke since (Name) had been talking about him two chapters ago. But who else there are involved with the blonde guy.

When Una, (Name) and Percy arrived back at camp, the first person they saw was Annabeth. She disregarded Percy and ran past him to give (Name) a hug, Una was hanging around her shoulder as usual.

"Brainy!" (Name) squealed with her arms wide open, while Annabeth squealed back with the same enthusiasm, "Greenie! Una!"

"I really love their friendship," Marlene said. Many others smiled and agreed too.

(Name) and Annabeth gave each other a wink and smiled before continue watching.

The blonde tackled her best friends in a tight hug, "Oh gods! Thank Zeus both of you are alive! I was so worried that he would've barbequed you two."

"Well, I'm not, darling," (Name) smiled.

"I'm glad," Annabeth sighed, still hugging her. "You better not replace me with that seaweed brain. You're my best friend, you hear me?"

"Possessive much?" Harry snickered at Annabeth who rolled her eyes.

Percy shook his head at what Annabeth on the screen said with a snicker too.

(Name) laughed, "Of course not, Ann. No one will ever replace you."

"Not even me?" Asked a voice. Luke walked up from behind with a light smirk on his face.

The demiwitch and Annabeth sighed as they looked at him.

Una noticed it immediately, as she swiftly crawled into Annabeth's shoulder for comfort, seeking refuge in the familiar warmth of her friend.

(Name) directing a mischievous smirk towards Luke despite it being all for show. The demiwitch, feeling a rush of conflicting emotions, impulsively lunged into Luke's outstretched arms, enveloping him in a hesitant hug that masked her internal unease. "Miss you, Luke," she whispered softly, her voice tinged with a mixture of longing and apprehension. She didn't want to believe he did something wrong, but she'll observe from now.

𝙰𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 [𝙿𝙹𝙾 𝚡 𝙷𝙿] (𝟷)Where stories live. Discover now