Chapter 3

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As I pulled into the schools parking lot I saw all the old rusty cars. I would not be caught in one of those thanks to the love of my life.

I noticed Jane in the tree line and smiled. I waved at her as she waved at me. I feel safer now since she is here.

I got out of the mustang and walk to the building that said office. I enter the building seeing a receptionist look up and smile at me.

"You must be the Chief of police daughter that has finally come home." She said as she pulled out my schedule and map.

"Yes I am. My name is Isabella Swan. I prefer Bella though." I replied.

She walks to the table to where I was. She gave me a slip to have all of my teachers signed and be brought back to her by the end of day and showed me the best way to get to my classes.

I thanked her and went to my first period. This is going to be a very long day. I hate it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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