episode 17

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Suga then spoke to himself "why did you left me emmo appa, I am unable to raise them properly, kookie is steeping into bad habits because of me and tae is in depression I don't know what to do now,

His breathe got uneven and is crying badly, he is thinking about his past "I shouldn't have listened to them that time, I am a monster who killed his parents, I-I-I no words where coming from his mouth he choked on his own tears and started coughing he then said to himself "I will make all these tears to pearls, I will never let anything happen to my brothers, I will not let them go in bad ways, I will not cry anymore I have to be brave and strong to my brothers, to kill that bastards I have to be strong "

He is controlling his tears a lot but as much he is controlling more tears are falling from his eyes he fell asleep on the cold floor, crying

Meanwhile with tae

Here tae is sitting in front of his books – his books? Nope, his hands are paining like hell, involuntarily tears started flowing from his eyes he then said to himself "be ready tae tomorrow is your last day on earth, namjoon hyung is gonna kill you tomorrow he sighed hard and then harshly wiped his tears and continued to write its 3:00 am and he want to sleep now but he can't

What actually happened to tae?

Is it because of jimin?

Time skip tomorrow morning

today is parents meeting for vminkook actually their college and university is same but different buildings, the owner of university is Kim namjoon and owner of college is min yoongi, so parents meeting for vminkook is in jk college itself

Here jungkook woke up and the first thing he realized is that today is parents meeting, he is deep trouble now but little he now that he is already in deep trouble cause of suljei

Tae woke up with string in his neck he drifted off on his table itself he woke up and spoke "shit! I didn't completed it yet what should I do ""I even have parents meeting today huff, I am dead now" he unwillingly stood up and stretched his muscles where sore as he was in sitting position all night, he slowly went to washroom to start his morning routine

Yoongi woke due to the sound of alarm it was early morning 4:30, he frowned first but remembered that he has to go to base; he stood up from the hard floor of balcony and went to bathroom for his chores

At base (5:00am)

Yoongi reached the base and went to ground and saw sunny already there stretching. He went towards her with a straight face and spoke "are you ready"

"Yes boss" suljei spoke with confidence deep down her is so nervous about test and scared about yesterday thing

Suga then picked a thin stick and poked it on ground so that it stood without support he then turned towards the little girl and spoke "point top"

Suljei nodded and the next second a loud gun sound echoed the whole place and the stick's top is slashed away, suljei smirked and even yoongi too but he was fast enough to hide it before sunny sees, he then tested her target shooting skills a bit and then now he turned and spoke suljei put on blind fold an I will give you a gun uncoiled it fill it and put the silencer then you will hear a gunshot then you have shoot in that direction understand

"Yes boss" suljei spoke and then suga spoke "target shouldn't be missed"

Suljei gulped and nodded her hands are shivering due to nervousness but she composed herself and spoke to herself "this is the last chance to prove yourself suljei, you nice keep going"

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