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So here is my own OC.

Name: Kayu Selena
Age 14
Loves to read and write
On again, off again emo
Considers herself the shipping lord, along with Robin and Mira
Loves: video games, her 3DS
Likes: all-nighters, anime, starting pointless arguments, ice cream
Hates: selfish people, stuck-up brats, improper grammar, terrible spelling
Keeps a low profile
Has a slight crush on Soul, but will give him to Maka if he indicates any sign of liking his partner
Is careful giving out trust
Loves Doctor Who and Sherlock

Is sisters with Luma

Has shape-shifting powers (can be into person or animal).

Shares teleportation with her sister.

Explanation: their great grandmother was a witch, and the powers passed into them (nobody knows who the father was. Don't ask)

SoMa One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora