Maka's Mission Part II

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I must finish this. I will.
Over the course of a few months, I found out a few things about my friend Maka.
I woke up one morning to the front door opening. Still groggy, I stumbled out of my room and down the hall, patting the wall for a light switch.
Nobody was there. I checked Maka's room and my stomach dropped. She wasn't there.
Did Maka get kidnapped?
It seemed far-fetched to me, but I couldn't think of anything else. Who in the world would wake up at 5:30 and leave the house? She has to be in trouble. Still panicking, I ran out the door, the cold air hitting my face.
I wildly looked around, my eyes locking onto a nearby figure. Nearly in tears, I sprinted toward her, my bare feet pounding on the wet grass. I threw my arms around her.
A squeak of surprise, then a quiet "Soul?"

I have my mission to complete. I cannot fail it.

She looked at me when I finally let go. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
I finally was able to breathe right again, and I sighed in relief.
"It''s nothing. What are you doing out here? It's so early.
Her eyes slid away, and she pressed a finger to her jaw. "Um...well..." She gestured toward the ground. I didn't notice before, but she had beem holding a bag of birdseed. A large crowd of various birds bobbed behind her.
"Do you do this every morning?"
Maka nodded. "I'm sorry for waking you up. I usually get out of the house quietly..."
I brushed that aside. "Why do you come out here?"
She looked back at me. "Well, I really like birds."
"Are you serious? They just wake me up. Do you really like them that much?"
Maka crouched toward a chubby songbird, who began munching on the birdseed in her hand. "I love these fat babies! They're so dumb and cute. Look at those bobbing heads!" she cooed in a baby voice.
Her reply was so unexpected that I burst out laughing from surprise and relief.
She stood up suddenly, giving me a handful of birdseed. "Here! Feed some birds!"
I knelt on the ground with my hands out. An orange and gray pidgeon crept toward me- and then the group piled in front of me, pecking at the birdseed happily.
Maka giggled at the sight, and I grinned. This...was definitely a bit weird, but I really like it. But I don't like her. That wouldn't be very cool.
I brushed off my hands and stood up, spooking the birds.  I smiled at her.
"This is fun. I'm glad you woke me up."
She looked away as her cheeks turned pink- a cute blush that spread up to her ears. She's cute. Wait, no. No, she's not.
She's just my friend. My best friend.
I have to complete my mission.
'I don't like her', I scolded myself.
There is no other way.

(A/N: So I don't know if anyone reads my notes or even this book anymore, but I absolutely LOVE fat birds. they're so dumb. i love it. Hope you enjoyed!
P.S. There will be a part III. Don't ask why I'm using Roman numerals.)

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