5 - Muns (Mun2500)

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Name: Muns

Position: Moderator

Why I Want to Help the MDC: MDC is a place for me to stalk and I would like it to be like before. MDC was so much better before without any dramas and other things but now it has been changed. I along with the others would like to make the MDC better just like before and might even better than before.

My Favorite Part of the MDC: Meeting new people and stalking graphics! All I do is stalk people's imgur like if you have been in the MDC for over a month then there is no way I didn't check out your whole portfolio of graphics.

How I Discovered Wattpad: One of my friends kept on talking about this like a year ago as she was writing a book on here. She was like 'why don't you make an account?' I made a account and got bored with it then after two months i came back to it because I got my interest back!

How I discovered the MDC: One of the greatest designers on here @/teatime_ happens to be in my class so I followed her then she did the same then I started looking at my newsfeed and her replies on the forums showed so I decided to check this place out!

Writing or Designing?: It depends on my mood but as of now I would say designing.


Favorite Color: Purple!

Favorite Singer/Band: Imagine dragons, One direction and many others.

Favorite Song: Umm I dont really know but I guess Mirrors by Justin Timberlake or One Thing by One direction.

Favorite Joke: There is no such joke which makes me laugh, jokes don't even make me smile but here is one : What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin Pie! *It doesn't make me laugh or smile!

Favorite Season: Fall

Favorite Sport: Basketball and badminton

Favorite Animal: None--sorry I'm scared of all animals except for birds.

Favorite Number: 12 (it comes up every time in everything I am participating)

Favorite Holiday: Eid-ul-Fitr (this is a muslim festival celebrated at the end of the month of fasting)

Favorite Show: Scorpion

Favorite Movie: The Poltergeist (it's so awesome)

Favorite Book/Book Series: The Fault in our Stars

Favorite Food: Pasta and pizza, and Chinese!

Favorite Quote: 'Some people like you, some people don't. In the end you just have to be yourself.' -Unknown

What I Want to be When I Grow Up: I haven't decided yet but I want to go into law and have a side course in IT.

Where I Want to Go in My Lifetime: Basically everywhere but even though I have visited Saudi Arabia before I want to go there again and I want to go to Paris.

3 Interesting Facts About Me: I am a very motivational person but when it comes to myself I can be really weak. I trust everyone and anyone very easily, its a bad habit which I have to get rid of. I am a extremely social person like I am still in contact with my friends from grade 3 but I don't really show it.

Message to Whoever's Reading This: Being yourself is the best thing to do. If you are self conscious just believe that you have something that someone doesn't. You have some kind of talent within you which someone lacks. You mean something to someone and you can do whatever you wish because its not about impressing people its about you impressing yourself. Have a good day/night and never put yourself down because there is someone out there who can't live without you!

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