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Sukuna was definitely cranky that night. The celebration dragged on and on to the point that he didn't even know what time it was, but it was definitely late into the night.

Hardly half of the people there in the beginning had left already. And there were still many people roaming about.

"Warrior, how long is this nuisance going to endure?" Sukuna rolls his head on his shoulders to stretch his stiff neck.

He hears no response and looks down beside him to see you fast asleep. You were lying on your side as though you had just simply lost consciousness and fell over. Sei, who had left earlier for someone's assistance, returns and smiles at the sight of you snoring.

She turns to Sukuna, "Well it seems your tour guide is fast asleep. You don't have to stay for the entirety of the celebration, you may leave whenever you want to."

Sukuna doesn't bother replying, and instead props his chin on his hand that was stabilized by his knee and simply watches you. He wouldn't admit it, of course, but you looked cute.

Instead of your usual stern expression with your brows pulled together and a constant frown, your face was relaxed and peaceful.

You looked softer, younger, more appealing to the eye. However, your assertiveness did turn him on, he liked that better.

The white haired girl leans forward in slight annoyance, "Hey, I'm talking to you, Sukuna."

"Leave and make haste," He mutters, his gaze not leaving your slumbering face, "Your voice is annoying."

She inwardly scoffs, "Don't you-"

"You're dismissed." Sukuna glared at her, feeling anger boiling within him, "I will not repeat myself."

Ever since the incident where Sei had sealed his powers, Sukuna had a strong hatred toward her. Anyone that was stronger than him and knew it were instantly on his bad side. Well, regardless, everyone was on his bad side, but she was on his really bad side.

Sei let's out a long sigh, "I'm trying to help you. Can't you see how nice I'm trying to be for a criminal like you?"

"All I see is how ugly and repulsive your appearance is." He remarks nonchalantly, reaching one of his hands to twirl your short hair.

Sei looks as though she knew this would be his response and behavior so she simply gave up. He could sleep in dirt for all she cares. But you, on the other hand, were like a sister and therefore she was more concerned about you.

"Can you at least help me bring (Y/N) to her chamber for the night?" Sei pinches the bridge of her nose.

Sukuna's brows lift in interest, "That I don't mind doing."

I wonder what her room looks like. And what she may be hiding in there. Sukuna hides his sinister expression.

Sei relaxes in relief, "Thank you, Sukuna."

Sukuna wordlessly picks you up easily into his arms and follows Sei who guides him to a fairly large home that Sukuna presumes is yours. It was very dusty and unkept from the outside. It seems like no one has lived it in for a while.

You stir in your sleep but eventually nuzzle your face against his chest. Sukuna grows warm, why the sudden change in temperature? There's a nice breeze and yet his body is sweating.

"(Y/N) doesn't really stay in her home," Sei informs him of the shabby appearance, "She's always out and about and usually goes out of her way to patrol and guard the land."

Sukuna glanced down at you in his arms and noticed the evident bags under your eyes. He wonders why you put yourself through all this only for it to harm you. You were selfless at its best, and it annoyed Sukuna that you tend to be so reckless.

Sei opens the door and makes way for the large Sukuna who had you in his arms. It was an organized home with shelves and furniture put together accordingly. He learns more about you just from the appearance of your home.

"Take me to her room," Sukuna demands, and Sei disregards his disrespect and takes him there.

Your full size bed looked like it had a layer of dust on it, and Sukuna grimaces in disgust.

"Yeah . . ." Sei murmurs, "It's bad."

"She acts so high and mighty and yet this is what her living space is?" Sukuna rolls his eyes.

With the over set of free arms not holding you, Sukuna takes the dusty top sheet of the bed off and lies you down. Sei places a leather bag full of your blades on your nightstand.

"Pathetic," He mutters to himself after lying you down n watching you stir comfortably.

Sei eyes him, "Let's leave her be, I'll take you to your own chambers."

"No," He objects, holding a hand up, "I'll stay here with her."

She squints her eyes at him, "There is no chance I'm letting that happen."

Sukuna rolls his eyes, "I'm evil, but not evil enough to harm someone I respect."

Sei's brows lift in surprise, "Respect?"

Sukuna huffs, "It's rare for others to achieve my respect but this nitwit somehow did it."

He looks back at Sei with his promising teal eyes, "I won't hurt her. You can feel and smell any bad intentions from me. And so can the land."

An irk appears on his temple, "Otherwise I'd be wrapped in vines and roots by now."

Sukuna was right; Sei didn't sense any ill will on him. So she sighs and turns away, "I won't be far."

He looks back down to you sleeping soundly, "I won't either."

As Sei left your home she couldn't help but feel worried. I mean, who wouldn't? The legitimate King of Curses himself is staying with you ALONE. Anything could go wrong . . .

But nothing did. Sukuna found himself so tired from the boring festival that he just laid on the wood floor beside your bed. He lets out a loud burp but you continued to slumber.

I suppose I'll just search in the morning for any secrets and information . . . Sukuna yawns and falls into a deep sleep.


"You pervert!" Sukuna wakes to your repulsive shout, followed by him being thrown against the wall and pinned by your blades.

Sukuna finally gains full consciousness and inspects the situation at hand. You were clinging to the blanket as you revoltingly glared at him.

"What are you yapping about . . . ?" Sukuna yawns and tries to stretch but he finally notices he was pinned against the wall by your blades in the cloth of his pants and around his joints.

"What were you doing in my bed?!" You cried, blushing furiously.

Sukuna blankly stares at you for a moment before roaring in laughter. You sit in bed, puzzled. He plucks your blades from trapping him, saying nothing as he continues to snicker.

He calms down and wipes a tear, "Like I'd ever do anything to you. Gross. Besides, it was cold on the ground and you stayed on one side of the bed. Then I took the other side."

"There's a guest bedroom," You deadpan.

"But I'm not a guest. I practically own this house now."

"In your dreams! Pervert!"

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