Why not

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Sodas pov

I reached the hospital and took Steve in
He was seen immediately and I called the house

"Darrel Curtis"
"Darry.. come to the hospital"
"Steve got hurt real bad.."

A few minutes later and they where all there

Darrel hugged me and I felt the tears run down my face

"It's ok. He's gonna be ok. Shh shh your ok"

Why can't I have my happy ending?
That's all I want.
Is a happy ending.

It was real late. Everyone went home.
I stayed.

I sat in the chair next to Steve who was asleep

Why can't I catch a break?
I feel like I can never breathe.

I fell asleep in that chair for a few hours

I woke up to the sun rise beating through the window.
I closed it and when I got back to the chair I squeezed Steve's hand

He faintly squeezed mine.

"Love you.. soda"  he managed to say
"I love you so much Steve"

The nurse walked in
"Well thankfully the cut isn't too deep. He can be discharged in about a week and back and moving in about a week and a half."
I nodded

For hours I sat there humming a tune Steve always did.
I wasn't sure what it was I just memorized it.
My hand hurt from holding his for hours on end but I wasn't gonna let go

I hadn't eaten anything and had barely slept.
I was holding on by a thread I didn't feel good at all

"You should get some food soda.. you haven't eaten have you?" Steve said softly
"Do it"

He squeezed my hand and I got up

"Ima head home for a bit. Love you."
"Sounds good. I'll be here"
I laughed softly and left after kissing his forehead

Drove home and when I walked in everyone was staring at me
"You look like shit" two bit said
"Twobit!" Darrel said
"I know.. I'm hungry"
"Let's go get burgers!" Dallas said

We all left and got in three cars

When we got to the Dairy Queen I missed Steve
Should I go back?
Me and Steve loved going to Dairy Queen

"How u doing soda?" Johnny asked
"I'm fine. A bit sore but mainly shooken up"
"How's Steve?"
"He's good. He told me to go get something to eat. Get out for a few hours."
"That's sweet"
"I miss him already"

I ate like a crazy person.
I was hungry

I immediately went back to the hospital to see Steve
"Hey Stevie" I said softly not knowing how he would be
"Hey soda!" He said enthusiastically
"Woah u seem better"
"Yeah they gave me some stuff. Told me I can't get up though. Bummerrr"
"That's good. I'm glad to see you up"
"What did u eat?"
"I had burgers with the gang"
"Nice! I had banana pudding"
I chuckled
"The nurse said I'm out of here in a few days!"
"Really? I can't wait."
"Me neither! We gotta plan a date or something. I'm itching to hold you again"
"That sounds great, take a chill pill though. I don't want you to get in trouble for being rowdy
"Alright alright "
"Ima head home again, I need to do some stuff there. I love you"
"I love you too"
I kissed him on the cheek before leaving again
When I got home I got dressed and took a nap. A long needed nap.

Yes yes ik it's short again. Deal with it. Big chapter coming soon 🫡

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