XLVIII: Back Home

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The time has come, we will be returning to Clye. I have already finished all the paperwork that will make the trade between Clye and Yeoris legal. This will be the start of an era, a new beginning for my mother's land and her people.

"Ready to go?" I coldly asked Azrael. After the incident, I haven't talked to him like normal. It was too awkward and I don't have the will to act as if nothing happened. I am confused and hurt with his actions and it wouldn't be good to focus on this useless things if I got this whole business I got to work on.

Azrael nodded in response, we exit the inn that has became our home for months. Bidding farewell to the nice lady next door. We entered a carriage that I rented to bring us down the port where we are going to board a ship back to Clye.

The Empress are skeptical at first when she heard that the land where the stones come from came from the land she despises - Bluistain. Thank Astarte that I got a good persuasion skills that made her believe that Clye wasn't a part of Bluistain anymore. One of the things on our agreement says that no one should know where the stones come from and Yeoris will be the one to send a ship to get the stones on Clye itself as I became brutally honest with the Empress that Clye couldn't afford to have a ship deliver the stones to Yeoris. Thankfully, she understood. She just made me swear that I will never sell the stones to anyone but her.

We arrived at the port, warm breeze with a hint of salt engulfed my nose as the noise of the people shouting here and there was heard on the distance. I walked towards the boarding ship, Azrael following behind closely. A vacant seat isn't hard to find as there's not a lot of passengers. This is one small ship and it could only carry more or less thirty passenger at once.

As we sat on the empty seat on one of the small rooms in the ship, Az immediately leaned his head on the table infront of us. I know he is not feeling well, this boy could withstand any fight or a cold weather but not travelling with a boat. I placed the ointment that I brought in the port of Clye infront of him, not saying a word. He just looked at it and came back to his original position.

Psh. Petty.

I just let him be. I am not the one who will suffer for an hour long boat ride. He brought this upon himself.

Five minutes have passed when the ship started sailing, I am so excited to go back to Clye and see what Maurice again. Sure, I might not see nor feel the sun rays again but who cares? I consider Clye as my home now and no place in this world could compare - well except the home I knew where I got internet and fastfood chains but it's pretty much it.

I just leaned on the window, watching the peaceful waves of the sea. As we go farther, the port of Yeoris seem to get smaller too. I felt a sign of relief when I cannot see the Yeoris anymore, it seems like a thorn was taken out of my throat. I am now finally far from Luca.

I had no idea if I really tricked him with a silly eye color changing but it seems like it. I hope it really did. But the fact that he did not just drag me back to Bluistain nor a prison cell is a concrete proof that the potion did too well on concealing my real identity.

I heard Az groaned as he buried his face to his arms. I just closed my eyes and feel the gentle rocking movement of the ship as it sails across the border of Bluistain and Yeoris.


The bell rang continuously as the men from the ship hit the bell repeatedly, signaling the we came to the first stop which is the small port in Clye. I found Azrael sleeping soundly, even if I am still kind of upset, I don't have the heart to leave him here. I gently shook his shoulders and he instantly woke up, grab his bags and went out of the ship, not even waiting nor looking back at me.

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