Fallen Angels

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The women who crew the AC-130 known as Dropkick are some of OP-40's most decorated and veteran personnel. Despite their stellar combat record with the company, none of them have military experience.

Monday, June 17th, 1991

John "Twitch" Mason

Joint Operation: O40S/USPDR

Task Force Raven/Task Force Talon


Sugar Weasel topped out their tank the entire way to the crash site, the most agonizing six minutes of my life. Forty five miles an hour on a sixty ton main battle tank had never felt as slow as it did as we made our way to the flaming wreckage of my two hundred million dollar gunship. Blitz, despite Taro's orders to stay on the ground because we knew anti air was in the area, was airborne as soon as Dropkick had called for help. From my spot on the back of Sugar Weasel, I could see that he had saved at least one of my girls that the rockets had thrown from the plane before the plane had come crashing down. I was really praying harder than I ever had that the entire crew would be okay, but more than anything, I hoped my sister and daughter were both alive somewhere in that flaming pile of shit. As we pulled up and jumped off the back of the tank, I saw one body in an O4S flight suit, too badly burned and mangled for me to identify it. Both her legs were missing, so I couldn't even check her boots for her tags. I gritted my teeth, trying to work up the courage to venture deeper into the wreck. Hudson apparently picked up on my frozen vocal chords and gave the order himself. I was grateful for him in times like these.

"Spread out! Search the brush for any signs of our fallen sisters!"

"Shelby!? Anni!?" I called stepping over the 40mm cannon, "Ya'll in here!?"

"John..." Shelby whined from the front of the plane.


I scurried to the front of the plane, damn near tripping over the twisted LTM as I entered the cockpit. Shelby and Anni were still strapped into their seats. Shelby was pretty badly injured and at first glance, Anni thankfully looked alright, if she had been knocked out by the landing. Glass was embedded in her face, having busted through her helmet's visor and flight mask when the rockets had impacted the plane and a piece of steel scrap was stuck through her flight gear in her stomach. Her whole suit was soaked with blood.

"Uhh, Faline? Shelby's hurt bad. Issac, Anni' looks like she's out cold, can you come get her out the seat? I've got my hands full with Shelby."

"I got ya brother."

Faline and Wyatt rushed over. Faline ripped a pull cord on her vest, spilling out a medical kit. As they began working to patch Shelby's injuries, Blitz landed, dropping off Sarah, the only other survivor of the strike if I had to guess. Sarah rushed into the plane, running up and hugging me.


"Thank god I don't have to send a letter to your Daddy!" I laughed through tears of relief. For the record, Sarah's old man was the only other human being on the planet, well, besides Hudson, who actually made me concerned for my safety around him. He'd threatened to break my jaw if anything ever happened to Sarah when she signed on to crew Dropkick about two years ago, "You okay? You injured?"

"No...no I think I'm fine Johnny."

I was seconds from asking her if she knew if anyone else had been thrown from the plane. Issac interrupted me.

"John? Little brother?" Issac's voice shook with the words.

I released Sarah, turning to see him perched like a gargoyle on the center console of the plane, tears streaking down his face. I shook my head, looking for the will power to absorb what I knew was coming my way.

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